Automotive website awards 2010 whitepaper - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Rev 1.02

October 12, 2010

Automotive website awards 2010 whitepaper - [PDF Document] (2)

2010 AWA Whitepaper – © PCG Digital Marketing Page 1

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This report and data contained in this study are property of the PCG Digital Marketing (PCG). The AWA logo is property of the PCG and cannot be used or reproduced on commercial marketing materials, website pages, blogs, emails, or any other digital or

traditional media without the expressed written permission from PCG Digital Marketing.

The study report can be freely copied and distributed for personal use, discussion, and collaboration for non-commercial purposes. Companies mentioned in this report that

would like copies of the study for commercial distribution purposes can contact PCG for permission and reproduction services.

Copies of the 2010 AWA study will be placed online so that any typographical or data collection errors can be corrected once the study is published. When referring to the

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If you would like to report any data errors in the 2010 AWA Study, please contact the PCG Digital Marketing at 732-450-8200 and we will correct the online PDF version of

the report.

Changes to websites after this report is published will not constitute a reason to update the data charts in this study. We have copies of website screen shots as they appeared

prior to this study on file to corroborate our data and research.

PGC Digital Marketing 45 W River Rd

Rumson, NJ 07760 723-450-8200

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Table of Contents

About The Awards ...................................................................................................................... 4

Open Letter From Brian Pasch .................................................................................................. 6

Reading Our Search Marketing Data Tables ............................................................................ 9

2010 AWA Award Categories .................................................................................................. 10

ADP/BZ Results ........................................................................................................................ 14

All Auto Network ....................................................................................................................... 16

Auto Fusion ............................................................................................................................... 18

AutoJini ..................................................................................................................................... 20

Auto Lot Manager ..................................................................................................................... 22

AutoRevo ................................................................................................................................... 24

ClickMotive ................................................................................................................................ 26

Cobalt ........................................................................................................................................ 28

Dealer Car Search ..................................................................................................................... 30

Dealer e-Process ...................................................................................................................... 32

DealerFire .................................................................................................................................. 34

Dealer HD .................................................................................................................................. 36

Dealer Impact ............................................................................................................................ 38

DealerPeak ................................................................................................................................ 40

Dealer Specialties ..................................................................................................................... 42

DealerTrend ............................................................................................................................... 44 ................................................................................................................................ 46

DealerOn .................................................................................................................................... 48

Dominion Dealerskins .............................................................................................................. 50

eBizAutos .................................................................................................................................. 52

eCarList ..................................................................................................................................... 54

Fresh Input ................................................................................................................................ 56

Higher Turnover ........................................................................................................................ 58

izmocars .................................................................................................................................... 60

Jazel Auto .................................................................................................................................. 62

K3 Automotive .......................................................................................................................... 64

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Liquid Motors ............................................................................................................................ 66

MJMI .......................................................................................................................................... 68

My Dealer Biz ............................................................................................................................ 70

Nexteppe ................................................................................................................................... 72

Pixel Motion Motors ................................................................................................................. 74

Potratz ....................................................................................................................................... 76

ProMax Unlimited ..................................................................................................................... 78

Pure Dealer ............................................................................................................................... 80

Reynolds and Reynolds ........................................................................................................... 82

Search Optics, Inc. ................................................................................................................... 84

SEO Sport ................................................................................................................................. 86

Smart Web Concepts ............................................................................................................... 88

TK Carsites ............................................................................................................................... 90

VinSolutions ............................................................................................................................. 92

Wilson Software Corporation .................................................................................................. 94

World Dealer ............................................................................................................................. 96

XIGroup ..................................................................................................................................... 98

Xspond .................................................................................................................................... 100

2010 AWA Winners ................................................................................................................. 102

AWA For Search Marketing .................................................................................. 103

AWA For Website Design ..................................................................................... 118

AWA For Website Technology ............................................................................. 122

Technology Reviews by Brian Pasch ................................................................................... 126 Automotive Advertising Platform Breaks New Ground ...................... 127

VinSolutions Delivers a Comprehensive Digital Marketing Platform ..................... 134

Dealerskins Cuts Legacy Flash Anchor And Rises To New Heights .................... 137

BZ Results Websites Get A Ground Up Rebuild .................................................. 141

XIGroup Websites Hit The Mark And Demand A Closer Look .............................. 144

Reynolds WebmakerX 2.0 Impresses ASMA Review Panel ................................ 149

DealerFire Websites Stand Out From The Crowd ................................................ 152

TK Carsites Power of Five More Relevant Than Ever .......................................... 155

Dealer e-Process Showcases Chat and Video Power .......................................... 158

Automotive Website Vendor Directory ................................................................................. 163

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About The Awards

The 2010 Automotive Website Awards (AWA) recognize outstanding companies that serve the automotive industry.

This year, PCG Digital Marketing will present awards of distinction for website design, technology and search marketing architecture.

The expanded list of categories is in response to industry demand for an independent, thoughtful review of technology platforms that car dealers rely on to operate a successful business.

PCG Digital Marketing originally presented an award based on Automotive Search Marketing Architecture, which was known as the ASMA Awards. PCG’s expertise in digital marketing and search engine optimization strategies for the automotive industry gave them the confidence to create a new process to review and judge automotive website vendors.

PCG took the risk and hoped that the industry would embrace the candid feedback they provided in their research report that accompanied the awards. Their efforts were rewarded for taking that risk with a groundswell of productive dialogue between companies that serve the automotive community.

Last year, some of the companies that did not win an award asked for clarification on our review criteria and we provided advice freely. The existence of the AWA has accelerated innovation and has raised the bar for the core requirements needed in automotive websites for digital marketing.

This year, we expanded the award categories to include design. We updated the AWA review process with additional channels of feedback to determine design winners. We created a survey process, which allows us to collect data on a series of questions pertinent to the awards from consumers and members of the automotive community.

In 2011, the survey process will be significantly expanded to measure an even larger sample of consumers and automotive industry members.

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We have also added members of the digital design community to the review process who bring an authoritative opinion for elements of graphical design and usability. Once again, PCG is taking a risk in expanding the AWA into an area than many feel is highly subjective.

To address those concerns we have established a set of design review criteria that continues in the tradition first established by the ASMA awards which sought to present a constructive voice for the automotive website development community.

Not all companies can be AWA winners. For some, the timing of the review process came too soon for their latest technology to be viewed in production. Since the awards are presented annually, we will note any companies that indicated major platform changes in the months ahead. It is our hope that companies who do not receive an award in 2010 will seek to do so next year.

The 2010 award winners were carefully selected through a painstaking review process that represents a significant investment of time and resources for PCG Digital Marketing. We take the selection process seriously and pride ourselves that awards are given without prejudice or influenced by business affiliations.

The AWA provides clarity for car dealers in a crowded technology marketplace. For the 2010 AWA Search Marketing category alone, over 50 companies offering automotive websites were considered. With that many choices for automotive website platforms, you can understand why the AWA process is so vital for the automotive industry and for dealer principals.

The AWA review team congratulates the 2010 AWA winners as they represent the highest achievements in the area of website design, technology and search marketing strength.

We encourage all members of the automotive community to read this 2010 AWA whitepaper to better understand the strengths that the AWA winners represent in the marketplace.

Copies of the 2010 AWA whitepaper in PDF format are available for download on

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Open Letter From Brian Pasch

The 2010 AWA could not have been possible without the assistance of the great team of professionals at PCG Digital Marketing and the support of the automotive community.

I would like to especially thank Carrie Hemphill, Melanie Ferrato, Andrew Schmitt, Matt O’Such, Kristen Chiarello, and Andrew Talcott for assisting me with this massive project.

A round of applause also goes to the dedicated employees of the automotive industry that have worked so hard this year to improve their digital marketing platforms. I was impressed with the number of talented design and technical professionals behind the products that we reviewed this year and what they have been able to accomplish.

Over the course of the past year, I have had the opportunity to answer questions regarding last year’s study and specifically how each platform was scored. Our collaboration was provided willingly and without charge to assist all automotive website companies to better serve car dealers. This type of open dialogue is what the automotive community needs to accelerate advances in website technology.

One of the areas that the automotive community needs to unite on is the creation of a new ADF specification. The current ADF 1.0 specification was designed in 2000 and its purpose was to define how data is passed between different software products. The industry needs an updated file format, with expanded data fields for service, finance, search marketing, and web analytics so dealers can pass more information from lead forms into multi-vendor CRM and sales analysis tools.

Dealers seeking to measure the effectiveness of their digital marketing investments need to support a new ADF specification. A new specification will be part of a solution that will provide detailed ROI reporting on all their digital marketing activities.

I hope you find this 2010 AWA whitepaper helpful in researching and selecting your next website platform and related technologies. I congratulate all dealers who are reading this publication since it is a direct reflection of your willingness to engage in world of digital marketing.

Brian Pasch, CEO PCG Digital Marketing

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Are Your Advertising Dollars Helping Your Competitor?

Dealers invest thousands of dollars each month on advertising with the goal of driving more floor traffic to their dealership, more visits to their website or to urge consumers to call.

Advertising budgets that include traditional media sources, like radio, TV, print and local sponsorship, are designed to build local brand awareness. This investment creates a measurable result online.

The number one organic search phrase that brings a consumer to a car dealership website is a search on the dealership name. These consumers are a mix of existing customers and new shoppers that have responded to traditional advertising or word of mouth recommendations.

This may seem elementary until you consider that a dealer’s investment in traditional advertising may be helping its number one competitor. Dealers through their lack of understanding or action are directly reducing their return on investment for their advertising dollars. Some dealers through ignorance are helping consumers choose their competitor over their own dealership.

If advertising trains consumers to search for a dealer’s name on Google, the automotive industry has failed to train dealers to inspect what appears on Google Page One for their own name.

Dealers are allowing forces to divert customers to their direct competitors, OEM websites, and to consumer reviews that damage the brand reputation of the dealer. A competitor can purchase a dealer's name in Adwords and many dealers would be unaware of the attack.

Negative reviews appearing on Page One can paint a horrible picture of a dealer in the absence of balanced positive reviews. Imagine driving traffic to a page that effectively tells consumers to shop elsewhere. It happens every day.

The vendors in this report have tools, services, and strategies that can help car dealers defend their brand online. Websites alone cannot adequately create offensive and defensive strategies for car dealers to compete online.

The AWA for Search Marketing demonstrates that there are website platforms that stand above the crowded marketplace and that can help to increase a dealer’s POD Score. The goal is a score of 100. What is your dealership’s score?

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About The Website Selection Process For Search Marketing

The data charts across from the vendor profile pages in the preceding section display some of the factors we considered in selecting winners for Search Marketing. There are some basic guidelines for consideration that we would like to clarify since the data charts are a fraction of the matrix we use to select our winners.

What complicates selecting winners is the lack of uniform cooperation from members of the automotive website design community. PCG Digital Marketing advertised the AWA application process, as well as directly contacting website companies seeking their interest in cooperating in the review process.

The website companies that refused to cooperate forced us to collect and analyze websites that were listed on the company website as case studies or clients. In cases where client examples were not listed on the corporate website, we found dealer websites by doing a search on the website company name.

In the end, we had three types of websites included in the Search Marketing review process:

Submitted – Website company sent us the dealer website for consideration. Advertised – Website company listed the dealer website as a client on their

own website. Researched – PCG review team found the website by searching for the

website company name.

As part of the review process, websites other than those submitted by vendors are always researched and reviewed. This prevents a website company from gaming the system and creating five special websites for the review process.

There is also an argument to make that some website companies just provide a base platform and it's up to the dealer to optimize the website for search. Car dealers do not have the training to complete an on-site SEO review. Website vendors need to provide that service or partner with companies that do.

If neither are done and the sites we review have duplicate page titles, META descriptions, or unfriendly inventory URL designs, they will never get past our initial review criteria. We firmly contend that search engine friendly websites must be a standard in the industry. Those companies that ignore that criteria will continue to lose market share.

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Reading Our Search Marketing Data Tables

We summarized elements of our search marketing review process in tables for each company, as shown on the right.

The area in red represents websites that were submitted to PCG for review as well as websites that we researched online. Some website vendors chose not to submit any information on their company and examples of their websites.

The area in blue represents a subset of the scoring elements used for the Search Marketing award category.

Not all of the technical elements were included because of space considerations in this book. The possible grades for each element were: A, B, or C or a simple Yes or No response. The highest score in the grading system is an A.

We conducted over 50 Google searches that ranged from simple to complex. The table in green is a subset of those search results which lists the easiest searches you might expect a dealer’s website to appear on Page One.

A SERP Rank of 1 through 10 represents Page One results. Numbers higher than 10 indicate that the dealer’s website did not appear on Google Page One for that search. In the above example, a SERP rank of 24 means that the dealer’s website was on Page 3 in the fourth position.

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2010 AWA Award Categories

AWA For Search Marketing

The 2010 Search Marketing awards are structured in three categories:

Phoenix Awards – Representing website companies that have released an impressive redesign of their website technology that will result in significant upside performance, features and functionality to their customers. Phoenix award winning platforms will be a force to be reckoned with in 2011.

Peak Performance – Representing website companies that have the search marketing architecture and feature set that will provide their clients with a strong competitive advantage online. Peak Performance winners are members of an elite group, which represent platforms that will enable dealers to create an unfair competitive advantage in their local markets.

Pinnacle Platform – The Pinnacle award is the highest recognition we provide in the AWA Search Marketing category. The companies receiving this award have designed and delivered search compliant websites that stood above their peers.

Pinnacle Platform winners deliver outstanding digital marketing platforms for car dealers and show an unprecedented attention to detail in live production. These automotive platforms reached the pinnacle for scoring in our AWA benchmarks and live testing, which demonstrates that these companies practice what they preach.

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2010 AWA For Website Technology

The awards for Website Technology recognize companies that have introduced into the marketplace products and strategies that are positively impacting dealers’ success online. Another factor in the selection process is the product’s timeliness in meeting an immediate need or challenge facing car dealers.

In 2011, the Website Technology Awards will be expanded with additional award categories, which will include: CRM systems, Mobile Applications, Chat and Consumer Pricing Tools.

2010 AWA For Website Design

Dealership Websites – The award recognizes dealership websites that represent excellence in design and consumer metrics. Design and usability will be the key elements included in the award for best dealership website design.

OEM Websites – Our consumer survey indicated that over 80% of consumers go to the manufacturer’s website first when considering a new car purchase. With this in mind, first impressions can impact how consumers pursue a brand, and how that site is designed is part of that equation.

Independent Automotive Websites – When consumers shop for a used car, they visit national independent websites first, more than manufacturer or local dealer websites. With that in mind, where car dealers choose to advertise their used car inventory will impact the net results of that investment. Our design review team and consumer feedback helped us to select the top consumer shopping website for design and usability.

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Ordering Additional Copies of This Whitepaper

We encourage members of Trade Associations, State Automotive Dealer Associations and 20 Group Moderators to consider ordering copies of this whitepaper for distribution at your upcoming meetings and conferences.

If you would like to print copies yourself, you can download the PDF from or you can arrange for copies to be printed and drop shipped to your meeting.

For printed copies of this whitepaper, contact Carrie Hemphill at 732-450-8200 ext. 2, for pricing based on quantities you would like to print.

Referencing This Whitepaper

When referring to this whitepaper, we ask that you utilize the link to the full PDF document on the official website. Please do not upload a copy of the whitepaper to your own website. This will allow us to make any typographical edits that are reported and also measure the readership of the whitepaper.

Special Versions of The AWA Report

Winners of a 2010 AWA can request a customized PDF highlighting their specific awards pages and related articles. Winning companies should contact Carrie Hemphill at 732.450.8200 ext. 2 for additional details.

Contacting Us By Mail:

PCG Digital Marketing 45 W River Rd Rumson, NJ 07760

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Vendor Profiles*


Search Marketing Data Tables

*Vendor descriptions on their profile page in this whitepaper have been provided by the company or compiled by PCG from data on public websites. PCG Digital Marketing does not represent the

accuracy of the data and/or claims made by vendors.

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ADP/BZ Results BZ Results, part of the ADP Dealer Services family of companies, develops digital solutions for dealerships that are simple to use and simple for your customers to use. Their integrated products help dealers: Attract prospects, Convert more often, Transact quickly and, Retain customers for life. In the past it took many vendors across many solutions to create your Total Digital Solution. Today, BZ Results is the only provider of a single vendor, comprehensive solution designed to keep you on the leading edge of the online business.

Your online customers are more sophisticated and expect more from your website than ever before. They also expect your dealership to be highly connected. They expect your website to provide more information and more capability than ever, enabling them to do business in a way that's most convenient and satisfying for them. Think about it... your customers want to take themselves deeper into the sales cycle online. All you need to do is satisfy their expectation and gently guide them to do business with your dealership. ADP Dealer Services is a division of Automatic Data Processing, Inc., that provides integrated technology solutions to nearly 27,500 auto, truck, agriculture, heavy equipment, marine, recreational vehicle and power sports dealers throughout North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific and South America.

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Company Profiled ADP/BZ Results

Example Websites Source Researched Researched Researched Researched Researched Submitted Submitted Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles B Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles B

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Toyota of Santa Barbara

Toyota Camry Goleta 1 Toyota Corolla Goleta 1

Toyota Goleta 1 Toyota Service Goleta 1

Toyota Tires Goleta 1 Used Toyota Camry Goleta 1 Used Toyota Dealer Goleta 1

Used Toyota Goleta 1 Toyota Cars Goleta 1

Toyota Dealer Goleta 1 Toyota Dealership Goleta 1 Toyota of Santa Barbara 1

Toyota Parts Goleta 2 Toyota Oil Change Goleta 4

Toyota For Sale Goleta 5 Toyota Dealers California >20

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All Auto Network

All Auto Network’s core foundation is based on supplying user-friendly technology to the dealer and empowers them to use it for every resource available on the web to sell cars.

AAN's software application provides clients with a variety of flexible management programs designed to reduce operating costs and simplify the time consuming administration needed to run a web based system and web site. AAN's online dealer management system is designed to help you stay in control of your inventory exposure, lead management, marketing strategy, and cost reduction without having to start over or reinvent your online exposure.

With a level of automation, business intelligence, scalability, and security like no other system in the industry; you can rely on AAN for all facets of web re-sourcing your inventory. Developed with ease-of-use and flexibility in mind, AAN's systems are completely integrated with most popular applications and portals allowing you instant data access, using real-time, up-to-the-minute data. This feature facilitates opportunities for you to make quick responses to any inventory adjustment and enhancements.

We have been servicing the Automotive Dealership industry for over 10 years and our team is a group of talented people from diverse backgrounds in Technology, Marketing, and Management. Our mixture creates results for our clients.

We can help you improve your web-based applications quickly, easily, and completely. With an Automotive Cultural constantly changing it still takes the one on one interaction to consummate a deal. Let All Auto Network help you put all the pieces in place so you can focus on the job of selling automobiles.

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Company Profiled All Auto Network

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions N

Quality of Inventory Titles B Quality of Inventory URL Structure A

Quality of Static Page Titles B

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Billy Kay Suzuki

Billy Kay Suzuki 1 Suzuki Cars Downers Grove 1

Suzuki Dealer Downers Grove 1 Suzuki Dealers Illinois 1

Suzuki Dealership Downers Grove 1 Suzuki Downers Grove 1

Suzuki Service Downers Grove 1 Used Suzuki Dealer Downers Grove 1

Used Suzuki Downers Grove 1 Suzuki Parts Downers Grove 2

Suzuki Oil Change Downers Grove 5 Suzuki Grand Vitara Downers Grove 6

Suzuki Tires Downers Grove 6 Suzuki Kizashi Downers Grove 7

Used Suzuki Kizashi Downers Grove 8 Suzuki For Sale Downers Grove >20

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Auto Fusion

Autofusion Corporation, founded in January 1998 and headquartered in San Diego, is a provider of products and services for automotive e-commerce. The company’s offerings facilitate significant sales efficiencies for dealers by helping consumers select cars and matching consumer selections with dealer inventory at the best prices.

New-car dealers, as well as portals and auto-related sites, are increasing revenues with Autofusion’s solutions. The Autofusion Configurator is at the core of Autofusion’s Suite of products and services, which also includes MatchMaker, Exact Search, Smart Search and Automine. These products are featured on, Autofusion’s successful consumer web site, as well as on several prominent third-party sites.

Some of Autofusion’s clients include: AAA, Digital Insight and many new car dealers, including four of the top 10 U.S. dealer groups.

Autofusion’s web sites greatly reduce the workload for customers. They keep the inventory fully configured, including options on new cars. Specials pages are full of offers and vehicles, and not coming back soon pages. Month to month contracts are an option. Dealers show up in Google more often than any of their competitors with Autofusion’s SEO package.

Since its creation, Autofusion Corporation has stayed true to the mission of succeeding as a leading provider of Internet marketing products and solutions for car dealer websites across the country. Autofusion is comprised of good people with great talent, specializing in the fields of: Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Sales, and Web Design.

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Company Profiled Auto Fusion

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles B

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name BMW of Newport

BMW Cars Middletown 1 BMW Dealer Middletown 1

BMW Dealers Rhode Island 1 BMW Dealership Middletown 1

BMW Middletown 1 BMW Parts Middletown 1 BMW Tires Middletown 1

BMW x5 Middletown 1 BMW m3 Middletown 1

BMW of Newport 1 Used BMW m3 Middletown 2

BMW Service Middletown 2 Used BMW Dealer Middletown 3

Used BMW Middletown 3 BMW Oil Change Middletown 19

BMW For Sale Middletown >20

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AutoJini specializes in building elegant, sales-driven websites for auto dealerships. The number one goal is to help dealers convert website visitors into leads, without the high price tag. Elegantly designed, easy-to-navigate websites enhance a dealership’s online presence and become an effective leads generation tool for dealers.

AutoJini’s strategy goes beyond mere search engine optimization. After researching the competition and local market, they start by constructing the site with the right keywords, page titles, meta tags and descriptions. Then submit the site to the top 10 auto directories, the DMOZ and local search engines, provide Google and Yahoo sitemaps in XML format, export inventory to third party sites (, Google Base, Vast, and, and offer inventory details in RSS format, like sales and marketing coupons on the website.

Since they customize each site, a long list of features is offered along with the expertise to solve what dealers often believe to be impossible problems in the world on eCommerce and Internet sales. AutoJini creates an interactive, integrated user experience that draws the customer’s focus to the dealership and its products. Once a visitor reaches one of AutoJini’s dealers’ websites, they don’t get “lost” or frustrated. In fact, just the opposite. Aside from keeping the website design professional and easy-to-navigate, AutoJini offers the right mix of “call to action” features designed to “hold” the customer. The sites attract customers and promote leads generation.

When using AutoJini, dealerships have the comfort of knowing the websites developed, and which run on our back-end systems, are guaranteed to work on all major web browsers and operating systems.

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Company Profiled AutoJini

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles B Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Lyons Toyota

Lyons Toyota 1 Toyota Cars Mason City 1

Toyota Dealer Mason City 1 Toyota Mason City 1

Toyota Oil Change Mason City 1 Toyota Service Mason City 1

Used Toyota Camry Mason City 1 Used Toyota Mason City 1

Toyota Dealership Mason City 2 Toyota Parts Mason City 4

Toyota Corolla Mason City 6 Toyota Tires Mason City 6

Toyota Camry Mason City 8 Used Toyota Dealer Mason City 8

Toyota Dealers Iowa >20 Toyota For Sale Mason City >20

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Auto Lot Manager provides marketing help to auto dealers. The main concentration is Internet Marketing- through Inventory Management, Websites, and Management Tools (CRM).

They provide a "Do-It-Yourself" solution for entering data and photos of inventory for dispersal to third party websites (such as,, dealer websites, Manufacturer websites, and others) as well as Window Stickers and Buyers Guides. Also provided is "On-The-Lot" service for certain geographical areas. also designs inventory templates (to display inventory on existing sites) or complete dealer websites, including "Micro Sites" for specific marketing campaigns (events, niche products, unique ideas, etc.).

The complete Version 2.1 simplifies follow up from first contact through ownership history. Proprietary tools, such as the exclusive "Vehicle Matching", "Prospect Ranking System", and "Send an Email", allow targeted, relevant contact to maximize opportunities with minimal effort by dealer personnel and minimal disturbance to prospects.

"Electronic Desk Log", "Automated Follow Up", and "Ratings Change Alerts" help Salespeople and Sales Managers alike improve productivity and results! is also always seeking new technologies, partnerships, and ideas to help dealers, such as: Video, Phone Tracking & Grading, Added Online Exposure, Live Chat, Craigslist and Facebook Integration. is the culmination of 13 years of teamwork between "Internet Gurus" and "Car Guys". Based in Ohio, they currently employ 40 office and field staff, supporting efforts to help auto dealers market vehicles more efficiently.

The four owners have an extensive background in Internet development and the automotive retail industry. Over the past 6 years, the company has enjoyed triple digit growth, now servicing over 275 dealerships throughout Ohio, and including Kentucky, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. Nationwide expansion is under way.

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Company Profiled Auto Lot Manager

Example Websites Source Advertised Researched Researched Researched Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions N

Quality of Inventory Titles C Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested

Dealership NameJack Maxton

Chevrolet Chevy Cars Worthington 1

Chevy Dealer Worthington 1 Chevy Dealership Worthington 1

Chevy For Sale Worthington 1 Chevy Parts Worthington 1

Chevy Service Worthington 1 Chevy Worthington 1

Used Chevy Dealer Worthington 1 Used Chevy Worthington 1

Jack Maxton Chevrolet 1 Chevy Oil Change Worthington 1

Chevy Dealers Ohio 2 Chevy Tires Worthington 2

Chevy Impala Worthington 19 Chevy Volt Worthington >20

Used Chevy Volt Worthington >20

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AutoRevo was born as most business ideas are, from a need. In 2001, Chad Polk owned and operated an eBay Motors vehicle listing service for auto dealers in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. The need to automate the listing process was evident, and in December 2003, he partnered with Mark Hoffman and Randy Roberts and built what is now known as the AutoRevo Internet marketing platform. Initially, AutoRevo was established to provide auto dealers a more proficient method of listing and managing their inventory on eBay Motors. The company’s product offerings soon grew to include search engine optimized dealer websites, a robust inventory management system, used vehicle inventory integration with any online classified vendor, a lead management system and advanced reporting analytics. The company continues its self-funded business model where profits afford the opportunity to hire new employees, allowing continued growth and diversification in the ever-changing automotive industry. Employees have seen everything from writing code in a garage (a finished-out garage was our first real office) to working in our beautiful 8,000 sq. ft. office in the heart of the North Dallas Technology Corridor.

With over 750 clients across North America, AutoRevo has established itself as a provider of on-demand software for automotive dealerships marketing and selling cars online. Delivered as software-as-a-service (SaaS), the company’s vehicle marketing system (VMS) provides dealer websites, VIN descriptions, photos, custom ad templates, vehicle history reports, custom window stickers and other buyer tools that empower automotive dealerships to advertise and market inventory in real-time.

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Company Profiled AutoRevo

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles B Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles B

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested

Dealership NamePhil Bachman

Toyota Phil Bachman Toyota 1

Toyota Johnson city 1 Toyota Dealer Johnson city 1

Toyota Dealership Johnson city 1 Toyota Service Johnson city 1

Toyota Cars Johnson city 1 Toyota Parts Johnson city 1

Toyota Oil Change Johnson city 2 Toyota Dealers Tennessee >20

Toyota Tires Johnson city >20 Toyota For Sale Johnson city >20

Used Toyota Johnson city >20 Used Toyota Dealer Johnson city >20

Toyota Camry Johnson city >20 Toyota Corolla Johnson city >20

Used Toyota Camry Johnson City >20 Used Toyota Johnson city >20

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ClickMotive is an innovative and rapidly growing Software Company that creates Automotive Internet Marketing Software exclusively for the Automotive Industry.

The ClickMotive suite of Fusion Website™ Products includes Dealer Websites, Auto Group Websites, Regional Websites, OEM Websites, Mobile Websites, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Programs, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Expertise, Video Marketing, Lead Delivery, Admin Tools, Content Management, Reporting Analytics, Customization and Support.

ClickMotive pioneered the concept of combining the power of Web, Search, Video & Mobile into a single seamless website product for the automotive industry. ClickMotive creates all its technology in-house, and the company currently works with thousands of Dealerships including some of the largest and most respected names in the automotive industry.

Led by the former owners of Third Coast Media and the former Vice President of RWS, ClickMotive combines powerful tech savvy with years of experience at all levels of the automotive industry.

ClickMotive competitively provides Internet Marketing Software to the Automotive Industry. ClickMotive works directly with Dealers, Auto Groups, Regional Ad Associations and OEM's.

ClickMotive has recently been selected as an official Acura preferred website provider.

Their mission is to become the nation's most respected and cutting-edge provider of cost effective Internet Marketing Software to the Automotive Industry.

ClickMotive offers it proprietary suite of Internet Marketing Software called FUSION™. The FUSION™ system consolidates web solutions and is geared exclusively toward the automotive industry at all levels, -- dealer, group, regional, and national. FUSION™ lets the client control content, incentives, video, marketing, specials, SEO, SEM, inventory, and more.

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Company Profiled Click Motive

Example Websites Source Researched Researched Researched Researched Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure A

Quality of Static Page Titles B

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Pauly Honda

Honda CR-V Libertyville 1 Honda Dealer Libertyville 1

Honda Oil Change Libertyville 1 Honda Service Libertyville 1

Honda Tires Libertyville 1 Used Honda CR-V Libertyville 1

Used Honda Libertyville 1 Honda Cars Libertyville 1 Honda Civic Libertyville 1

Honda Dealership Libertyville 1 Honda Libertyville 1

Pauly Honda 1 Honda Parts Libertyville 2

Used Honda Dealer Libertyville 4 Honda For Sale Libertyville 7

Honda Dealers Illinois 17

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Cobalt is a privately held database software development firm that specializes in serving associations, membership-based organizations, and other not-for-profits. Cobalt is dedicated to client’s success and works tirelessly to ensure that the products and services offered allow clients to achieve their business goals.

Founded in 1996, Cobalt helps clients drive revenue, increase internal efficiency, and offer value-added services to their customers through a CRM-based data management products as well as personalized, database-driven web sites, systems integration, and content management solutions. Cobalt’s strength lies in a wide breadth of expertise and proficiencies in numerous technologies that offer their clients multiple solutions to complex problems.

Cobalt has steadily expanded over 14 years from a small start-up to an established software provider with over 100 clients. Headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, Cobalt has put together a dedicated staff with deep experience in the industry. Cobalt's advantage is with organizations with complex and specialized needs. Cobalt works together with each client to understand the unique challenges and opportunities and deliver a tailored solution to meet its goals.

Dedication to clients does not end with implementation, instead that is the beginning of a long-term relationship, which continually innovates the solutions and provides personalized customer support. Cobalt has always been a leader in providing friendly, knowledgeable support services to users of their products located around the world. With a combination of easily accessible support services and a wide variety of training options, Cobalt is committed to building long-term relationships with each client.

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Company Profiled Cobalt

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles B Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles B

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Chatham Parkway Lexus

Chatham Parkway Lexus 1 Lexus Cars Savannah 1

Lexus Dealer Savannah 1 Lexus Dealership Savannah 1

Lexus is Savannah 1 Lexus Parts Savannah 1

Lexus Savannah 1 Lexus Service Savannah 1

Used Lexus Dealer Savannah 1 Used Lexus Savannah 1 Lexus Dealers Georgia 7 Lexus Tires Savannah 7

Used Lexus rx 350 Savannah 19 Lexus For Sale Savannah >20

Lexus Oil Change Savannah >20 Lexus rx 350 Savannah >20

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Dealer Car Search

Dealer Car Search will build your dealership a cutting edge car dealer website that will become your virtual showroom. Your new dealership website will professionally display your complete inventory with up to 60 photos of each vehicle and allow you to create and post videos for each car.

However, our car dealer websites do much more than just display your inventory. They act as a landing pad for consumers to easily submit leads directly to your sales force. Your new website will become your online showroom and act as the first impression to potential car buyers.

Social Media is the world’s newest 800-pound gorilla, and you cannot afford to ignore it any longer. We realize that Facebook and Twitter can be complicated and intimidating, this is why we do the Social Media work for our Dealers. First, we create a Facebook and Twitter account for every new customer. Next, our software updates these accounts every time you add a car into Dealer Car Search. This methodology allows your dealership to stay current with the times while letting our system do the work.

The number one complaint from automotive consumers is that car dealership’s websites are not up-to-date with current inventory. We solve this problem! Dealer Car Search will manage your complete Internet Advertising Campaign and your website from a single screen.

Our Single Point Upload technology makes you more productive by giving you a single point to add, edit, and delete your inventory. No more managing new purchases, price reductions, and sold unit deletions from multiple sites. Our Single Point Upload System keeps all of your Internet Advertising Campaigns accurate, up-to-date, in sync, and complete.

The lifeblood of any successful car dealership is quality leads. Dealer Car Search will share with you the best practices of our most successful dealers. We will show you how to double or even triple the amount of Internet Leads that your dealership generates. We want to help you sell more cars and consulting is included in our package at no additional charge.

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Company Profiled Dealer Car Search

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles B Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Euromotor Gallery

Euromotor Gallery 1 Used Cars Irwindale 1 Used Cars Irwindale 1

Used BMW Irwindale 3 Used Infiniti Irwindale 3

Used Cars For Sale Irwindale 7 Used Cars Dealership Irwindale >20

Used Cars Dealer Irwindale >20 Used Cars Dealers California >20 Used Range Rover Irwindale >20

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Dealer e-Process

Dealer e-Process web design is known for its custom innovative work and non-template driven websites.

In 2009, Dealer e-Process won the ASMA “Industry Leader” Award for Search Marketing and also the 2009 DrivingSales Best Website Provider.

Despite these achievements, Dealer e-Process continually strives to achieve excellence in three main areas when it comes to website production and maintenance: website design, search engine optimization, and customer service.

Dealer e-Process recognizes that it is not enough for a website to look pretty. It needs to accurately depict the goods and services provided at a given dealership while still providing other valuable resources for the customers and employees of that dealership alike. For that reason, Dealer e-Process is continually building and testing custom website layouts. Instead of taking the “cookie-cutter” approach to website design and production; this ensures that the websites they build are esthetically pleasing, easy to use and inherently different than other dealer websites. While ease of use and esthetics are important when it comes to producing dealer websites, Dealer e-Process knows that those factors are of no value unless they are driven by strong SEO practices. Dealer e-Process proprietary SEO software and site construction is continually tested and implementing to ensure that the websites they build not only look good but also perform well in organic searches. They are experienced in terms of understanding how search engine results pages are aggregated (both in paid and organic search), which means they know how to get your website noticed on the web. Dealer e-Process prides itself on strong customer service. Unlike other website providers, Dealer e-Process does not operate on a “set it and forget it” mentality. Instead, they continually work with dealers through monthly website reviews to make sure their dealer website is meeting their internal and external needs. Furthermore, they provide the necessary tools for dealers to make quick inventory and/or content changes to their website without having to endure an obnoxious wait times.

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Company Profiled Dealer e-Process

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure A

Quality of Static Page Titles A

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name BMW of Schererville

BMW Dealer Schererville 1 BMW For Sale Schererville 1

BMW m3 Schererville 1 BMW of Schererville 1

BMW Schererville 1 BMW Service Schererville 1

BMW Tires Schererville 1 Used BMW Dealer Schererville 1

Used BMW m3 Schererville 1 Used BMW Schererville 1 BMW Cars Schererville 1

BMW Dealers Indiana 1 BMW Dealership Schererville 1

BMW Parts Schererville 1 BMW Oil Change Schererville 5

BMW x5 Schererville 5

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DealerFire DealerFire is a custom automotive web design and Internet marketing firm that caters specifically to the automotive industry. With a decade of experience, true industry knowledge, performance and innovation is born. From large automotive dealer groups to independent dealers, they have been providing custom automotive website solutions since 1999. DealerFire custom designs and search engine optimizes every aspect of their websites. DealerFire is results driven and their work speaks for itself. Above and beyond outstanding design and functionality, their core focus is customer support. DealerFire’s commitment to customer service is proven with each new custom website built. A qualified support technician, with no call centers or service ticket numbers, answers every call. DealerFire is not just a website provider, they offer a personalized approach to every auto dealer website, landing page, micro site, mobile site, and marketing campaign. DealerFire works closely with every client to ensure all needs are met. DealerFire provides services to some of the top dealers in the nation and are confident that their knowledge, insight, and experience will help any dealership succeed and distinguish itself from its competitors.

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Company Profiled Dealer Fire

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure A

Quality of Static Page Titles A

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Walsh Honda

Honda Cars Macon 1 Honda Dealer Macon 1

Honda Dealership Macon 1 Honda Macon 1

Honda Oil Change Macon 1 Honda Parts Macon 1

Honda Service Macon 1 Walsh Honda 1

Used Honda Macon 2 Honda Accord Macon 4

Honda Civic Macon 4 Used Honda Civic Macon 4

Used Honda Dealer Macon 4 Honda Dealers Georgia 10

Honda Tires Macon >20 Honda For Sale Macon >20

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Dealer HD Dealer HD is an automotive website and online solutions provider serving clients nationwide. Located in Chicago’s southern suburbs, the Dealer HD team has over 100 years of combined automotive marketing experience.

Dealer HD provides customizable dealer websites with the Real-time Inventory Management System (RIMS), a comprehensive tool that collects dealer leads, allows easy editing of website content, inventory modification, financing, service and parts coupon creation, social media management, and one click to support.

Each of Dealer HD’s websites comes standard with features that make shopping for cars online as easy as possible. Dealer HD standard features include Build-A-Car and Car finder HD that are designed keep customers on-site even if they can’t find the vehicle they’re looking for and allows them to request information or visit the vehicle details page for complete vehicle information.

To enhance dealerships’ online presence Dealer HD has developed additional tools to support the core website product. Hyper SEO: Using a hybrid of optimization techniques and coaching, Dealer HD helps dealers optimize their websites so they’re found in the searches they feel are most relevant to their business.

Using National Partner Reach Local’s engine, Dealer HD provides both Keyword Search and Behavioral Display advertising, allowing dealerships to expand their keyword selection and get the most value from their investment.

Utilizing the fully integrated Contact At Once live chat program, Dealer HD helps dealerships provide the same level of customer service online as on the lot.

As one of the most popular forms of communication, Dealer HD has brought Texting into dealerships’ marketing mix as well as offering one-click to social media. Dealer HD features over 15 social bookmarking sites on each vehicle in a dealerships’ inventory allowing customers to post and bookmark right from the website.

Websites and features aside, Dealer HD prides itself on customer service, assigning one dedicated account manager to each dealership account to provide personalized service, and continuously works on a quarterly development cycle to provide new features at no cost to clients.

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Company Profiled Dealer HD

Example Websites Source Advertised Submitted Advertised Submitted Advertised Submitted Submitted Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles A

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name BMW of Orland Park

BMW of Orland Park 1 BMW For Sale Orland Park 1

BMW m3 Orland Park 1 BMW Oil Change Orland Park 1

BMW Parts Orland Park 1 BMW Service Orland Park 1

Used BMW Dealer Orland Park 1 Used BMW Orland Park 1 BMW Cars Orland Park 1

BMW Dealer Orland Park 1 BMW Dealership Orland Park 1

BMW Orland Park 1 BMW Tires Orland Park 2

Used BMW m3 Orland Park 7 BMW x5 Orland Park 9 BMW Dealers Illinois >20

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Dealer Impact

Dealer Impact specializes solely in automotive website design through Dealer Impact Systems.

Dealer Impact streamlines the communications between you and your customers with their Virtual Notification System, which automatically notifies customers when your inventory changes to suit their needs.

Other automated features like E-Marketing and Newspaper clients assure that you will be able to keep customers informed of sales and rebates, allowing you to manage huge amounts of leads with ease.

Innovations like the Video Generation System uses photographs of your cars and automatically renders them into videos, engaging customers and setting your website apart from the competition. With Digital Marketing CRM, all the components of Dealer Impact’s customer relationship marketing tools are easily accessible and adjustable to keep you in control of your communications.

All websites come with SiteCast, which integrates all the features Dealer Impact Systems offers into a cohesive set of tools at the user’s disposal. To make sure your site gets noticed, Dealer Impact offers their Rank King Pro Search Engine Marketing package.

By taking advantage of the latest SEO and PPC techniques Dealer Impact Systems will drive traffic to your website so you will see the ROI you desire. Results are easily tracked through Digital Marketing Machine, which monitors inbound and outbound traffic at each point of contact with the customer.

The features offered at Dealer Impact Systems gives a unique approach to automotive marketing. Dealer Impact’s apples to apples guarantee means that you get the best website possible, for a price you can afford.

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Company Profiled Dealer Impact

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles B

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Garvey Hyundai Garvey Hyundai 1

Hyundai Dealer Queensbury 1 Hyundai Dealership Queensbury 1

Hyundai For Sale Queensbury 1 Hyundai Parts Queensbury 1

Hyundai Queensbury 1 Hyundai Service Queensbury 1 Hyundai Sonata Queensbury 1

Used Hyundai Dealer Queensbury 1 Used Hyundai Queensbury 1 Hyundai Cars Queensbury 1 Hyundai Tires Queensbury 2

Hyundai Genesis Queensbury 3 Used Hyundai Sonata Queensbury 3

Hyundai Dealers New York >20 Hyundai Oil Change Queensbury >20

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DealerPeak was founded in 1999 with the goal of providing Automotive Dealerships better technology solutions at lower costs while providing superior results.

DealerPeak is headquartered in Portland, Oregon with hundreds of dealer clients throughout the United States. DealerPeak solutions include CRM, Websites, Desking, Digital Marketing and Transactional Websites that work seamlessly on a unified Web-based platform.

This allows dealers to reduce the number of vendors they deal with and drive cost out of their business. DealerPeak’s mission is to provide automotive dealers with real value solutions that increase the bottom line and streamline operations.

Products include Personalized Dealer Websites, Advanced CRM, Lead Management, Desking Solutions and a revolutionary new platform to allow Dealers and Consumers to negotiate the vehicle transaction entirely On-line.

DealerPeak is aware of the power of social networking and has launched a Facebook Inventory application that allows DealerPeak dealers to display their new and used inventory on a Facebook fan page, with President Jock Schowalter commenting “With more than 400 million users on Facebook, it is one of the most popular sites on the internet.

Our dealers rely on us to keep them on the bleeding edge of the ever-changing marketing strategies available. We see social media marketing strategies as an important addition to the Dealer’s overall marketing mix. Making real time inventory available to Facebook users is a no-brainer for any dealer trying to leverage social media results.”

DealerPeak also has a separate division for its On-line Negotiation Product called WideStorm, which allows customers to negotiate buying a car online instead of having to travel to the dealership and go face-to-face with a salesman.

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Company Profiled Dealer Peak

Example Websites Source Advertised Submitted Advertised Advertised Advertised Researched Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions N

Quality of Inventory Titles B Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Herzog-Meier

Used Volvo Beaverton 1 Used Volvo Dealer Beaverton 1

Used Volvo s40 Beaverton 1 Volvo Beaverton 1

Volvo Cars Beaverton 1 Volvo Dealer Beaverton 1

Volvo Dealers Oregon 1 Volvo Dealership Beaverton 1

Volvo Parts Beaverton 1 Volvo s40 Beaverton 1

Volvo Service Beaverton 1 Volvo xc60 Beaverton 1

Volvo Oil Change Beaverton 6 Volvo Tires Beaverton 9

Volvo For Sale Beaverton >20

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Dealer Specialties Dealer Specialties, a division of Dominion Dealer Solutions, is the nation’s largest provider of inventory management, photo and video collection services. For dealers needing full-service inventory management, Dealer Specialties employs over 600 field technicians located in 48 states to service nearly 7,000 automobile dealerships. Each month, their technicians physically view and collect data on more than 700,000 used vehicles. For dealers needing self-service inventory management, Dealer Specialties offers category-leading web-based solutions. These online solutions allow dealers to capture their own photos and videos. With either self-service or full-service solutions, the detailed vehicle data, photographs and videos are sent electronically to the industry’s most extensive network of destinations including dealer websites, OEM sites, as well as third-party destinations including, eBay, Craigslist, and many others. Dominion Dealer Solutions helps car dealers attract, retain, and service customers for life. Dominion Dealer Solutions products include: lead generation through IFMG; customer relationship management tools through AVV, Autobase, and @utoRevenue; Websites through Dealerskins and XIGroup; and specialized data aggregation, management, and reporting services through Dealer Specialties, Cross-Sell, The DataCube, and DataOne Software. These businesses serve more than 60 percent of auto dealers nationwide. Dominion Dealer Solutions is a division of Dominion Enterprises. Learn more at . Dominion Enterprises is a marketing services company serving the automotive, enthusiast and

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Company Profiled Dealer Specialties

Example Websites Source Researched Researched Researched Researched Researched Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles N Unique Inventory META Descriptions N

Quality of Inventory Titles C Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Phoenix Motor Company

Mercedes - Benz Cars Phoenix 1 Mercedes - Benz Dealership Phoenix 1

Used Mercedes - Benz Phoenix 1 Mercedes - Benz Dealer Phoenix 1

Mercedes - Benz Phoenix 1 Phoenix Motor Company 1

Mercedes - Benz Service Phoenix 2 Mercedes - Benz Parts Phoenix 2

Mercedes - Benz E-Class Phoenix 5 Used Mercedes - Benz C-Class Phoenix 7

Mercedes - Benz C-Class Phoenix 8 Mercedes - Benz Oil Change Phoenix 8

Mercedes - Benz For Sale Phoenix 8 Mercedes - Benz Tires Phoenix >20

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DealerTrend, Inc. based in Reno, Nevada is a marketing and technology company providing auto retailers with highly effective car dealership websites, search engine optimization, and cutting edge Web 2.0 solutions to maximize lead generation and eMarketing programs

DealerTrend builds automotive retail websites custom designed for you and your dealership to sell more cars. As consumers and dealers become more Internet savvy you need a company that focuses on results and quality first and foremost.

DealerTrend’s goals as an automotive website provider are to create high quality websites that portray a dealership's image while keeping the dealership in the know with DealerTrend’s newsletters and blog.

DealerTrend generates free traffic from Search Engines using SEO standards that stand the test of time, creating high conversion rates by maintaining exceptional usability standards and captivating calls to action.

You can market and integrate your dealership’s inventory online with DealerTrend's E-Marketing tools and Dynamic Automotive SEO software. DealerTrend's advanced automotive marketing software and websites can manage your inventory and social networking efforts, saving you valuable time and resources.

DealerTrend also offers an Automotive WordPress Website plugin; Get a high quality professional car dealership websites that portray your dealership's image.

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Company Profiled Dealer Trend

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles A

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Reno Toyota

Reno Toyota 1 Toyota Cars Reno 1

Toyota Dealer Reno 1 Toyota Dealership Reno 1

Toyota Parts Reno 1 Toyota Reno 1

Used Toyota Dealer Reno 1 Used Toyota Reno 1

Toyota Service Reno 1 Toyota Camry Reno 2 Toyota Corolla Reno 2

Toyota Dealers Nevada 4 Toyota Oil Change Reno 7

Toyota For Sale Reno >20 Toyota Tires Reno >20

Used Toyota Camry Reno >20

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Page 46 helps auto dealers and manufacturers market to potential customers by building websites and integrated solutions that together drive the industry’s most comprehensive and effective online marketing platforms.

These platforms significantly lower the cost of customer acquisition, enhancing dealers’ efficiency and profitability. Today, is working with 80% of the top 125 dealer groups, recognized by Automotive News. websites are built from the ground up to be search engine-friendly for Google and other sites and its paid search solutions are the most effective in the industry. The company’s leadership in these areas has been confirmed by several third-party studies.

Customer service is another key to’s success. Every customer is assigned a dedicated account manager, and the company consistently maintains a 2:1 ratio of outbound vs. inbound calls. In addition, through its large and growing investment in R&D, continues to offer customers innovative products that provide substantial returns on investment.

At a time when many technology companies are outsourcing work to other countries, strongly believes in the value of in sourcing. With over 350 employees currently in Burlington, Vermont, the company recently announced plans to add 200 more jobs by the end of 2011.

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Company Profiled

Example Websites Source Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Advertised Advertised Advertised

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure A

Quality of Static Page Titles A

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Heuberger Motors

Heuberger Motors 1 Subaru Cars Colorado Springs 1 Subaru Parts Colorado Springs 1

Subaru Service Colorado Springs 1 Used Subaru Colorado Springs 1

Used Subaru Dealer Colorado Springs 1 Subaru Colorado Springs 1

Subaru Dealer Colorado Springs 1 Subaru Dealership Colorado Springs 1

Subaru Outback Colorado Springs 1 Subaru Forester Colorado Springs 2 Subaru For Sale Colorado Springs 2

Subaru Tires Colorado Springs 4 Subaru Oil Change Colorado Springs 4

Used Subaru Outback Colorado Springs 5 Subaru Dealers Colorado 5

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Car dealerships that use DealerOn’s automotive online marketing solution sell more cars, more often, for less money than ever before.

DealerOn drives more qualified traffic to your Car Dealer Websites, getting a higher percentage of this traffic to convert into leads, and helping your dealership turn more of these leads into showroom visits. Additionally, they offer inclusive auto dealers website reporting features and best customer service.

DealerOn designs each product to focus on maximizing car dealers’ leads (through SEO and SEM), conversion, and sales, helping auto dealers spend their time closing deals and not managing their Internet marketing efforts. DealerOn envisions becoming the first company to integrate a true transact online model of business for the automotive industry. For consumers who would like to purchase a car just as easily as they purchase a computer, book, or movie, DealerOn will provide the solution to enable it.

The Internet revolution is here and is already moving into "Web3.0". Interactivity, real-time data, and global accessibility are the only way a customer wants to experience the web. Car consumers will drive the experience or they will go somewhere else just as easily as clicking their mouse. Dealerships, through the use of a fully interactive platform will be able to attract, convert, and retain this new breed of consumers in a way that provides great value to both parties.

Innovation coupled with vision gives birth to a new paradigm for an industry struggling to evolve. Dealers who do will become more profitable and their consumers will be more satisfied. DealerOn and its partners are building this brave new world every day. Adaptability and vision are qualities that will determine who will be part of this world. Revolutions don't wait for anyone, especially not one built on light speed. The decisions your dealership makes now will determine its very survival.

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Company Profiled DealerOn

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Submitted Submitted Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles B Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles A

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name University Park Audi

Audi A4 Dallas 1 Audi Cars Dallas 1

Audi Dallas 1 Audi Dealers Texas 1

Audi Parts Dallas 1 Audi Q5 Dallas 1

Audi Service Dallas 1 Audi Tires Dallas 1 Used Audi Dallas 1

Used Audi Dealer Dallas 1 Audi Dealer Dallas 1

Audi Dealership Dallas 1 University Park Audi 1 Audi For Sale Dallas 2

Audi Oil Change Dallas 2 Used Audi A4 Dallas 4

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Dominion Dealerskins Dealerskins, a division of Dominion Dealer Solutions and leader in automotive dealer web services, has been building custom dealer websites since 2000. The company’s expertise comes from real-world dealership experience and a passion for listening and responding to dealers’ needs. Dealerskins is a part of Dominion Dealer Solutions, giving Dealerskins the resources to be a company that's there for you through every step of the sales cycle, from lead generation, customer relationship management and data management; to web design and hosting services. With a staff of industry leaders that stay on top of the trends, Dealerskins remains focused on developing beautiful automotive websites and integrated web tools designed to optimize the car shopper’s experience and deliver more quality leads to car dealers, all backed by attentive customer support and service. Dealerskins develops automotive dealership websites with a level of customization, providing a one-of-a-kind experience and a one-of-a-kind website for each dealership. In addition to building SEO-friendly websites that are both powerful and easy to use, Dealerskins provides a full range of internet solutions and customer-centric products for automotive dealers, including search engine marketing and optimization, inventory control, internet lead management tools and online coupon builders. Recent product additions include mobile optimized inventory listings that can be delivered through mobile sites directly to shoppers’ smart phones and the most robust, full-text search option in the industry. Dealerskins stands out as an industry-renowned expert for automotive web solutions, backed by unparalleled, best-in-class customer support.

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Company Profiled Dealer Skins

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure A

Quality of Static Page Titles B

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Grand Ledge Ford

Ford F-150 Grand Ledge 1 Ford Oil Change Grand Ledge 1

Ford Tires Grand Ledge 1 Used Ford Dealer Grand Ledge 1

Used Ford Grand Ledge 1 Ford Cars Grand Ledge 1

Ford Dealer Grand Ledge 1 Ford Dealership Grand Ledge 1

Ford Grand Ledge 1 Ford Service Grand Ledge 1

Grand Ledge Ford 1 Used Ford F-150 Grand Ledge 1

Ford For Sale Grand Ledge 2 Ford Parts Grand Ledge 3

Ford Dealers Michigan >20 Ford Fiesta Grand Ledge >20

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eBizAutos is a provider of Dealer Websites, Automotive Internet Marketing, and Dealer Marketing Software for the automotive industry.

Thousands of franchise and independent car dealerships use eBizAutos either as their primary website marketing solution or as a cost-effective solution for generating qualified leads from sources not provided by their current website provider. Two of the nation’s largest and most successful dealer groups, Penske and Hendrick, use eBizAutos as their preferred partner for websites and Internet marketing.

eBizAutos clients reach a larger audience of in-market shoppers via their fully-managed marketing services and integrated dealer marketing tools. Fully-Managed Internet Marketing Solutions, Search Engine Optimization (SEO); Paid Search (Google Adwords and Bing PPC); Display Advertising (Google Display Network); Classifieds Marketing (Hundreds of Paid, Free, and OEM sites); Craigslist; eBay Motors (eBay Local Classifieds); Local Advertising (Google Places, Yelp, CitySearch, and more…)

eBizAutos clients convert more visitors into leads with websites, content, and design optimized for engagement and conversion. Dealerships moving their website domain over to eBizAutos from another provider often experience up to a 100% increase in key website engagement metrics such as time on site, views per visit, bounce rate, and completed web actions.

eBizAutos’ services include: Dealer Website Products and Services: Custom Dealer Websites; Optimized Template Dealer Websites; SEO Architecture and Managed SEO Services ; Advanced New and Used Inventory Search with Media-Rich Display; Specials and Coupons ; Mobile Websites with Inventory and Specials; Automated and Custom Inventory Video; Continual R&D for Optimized Engagement and Conversion

The ideal dealer marketing solution is one that provides the best results with the least amount of effort. eBizAutos makes it easy for car dealers to sign-in and quickly complete the most important tasks associated with Internet marketing, conversion, and lead generation results.

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Company Profiled eBizAutos

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles B Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles A

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested

Dealership NameColorado Springs Mercedes

Benz Mercedes Benz Cars Colorado Springs 1

Colorado Springs Mercedes Benz 3 Mercedes Benz Colorado Springs 3

Mercedes Benz Dealer Colorado Springs 3 Mercedes Benz Dealership Colorado Springs 3

Mercedes Benz E-Class Colorado Springs 3 Mercedes Benz Service Colorado Springs 3

Used Mercedes Benz Colorado Springs 3 Used Mercedes Benz Dealer Colorado Springs 3

Mercedes Benz Parts Colorado Springs 3 Used Mercedes Benz C-Class Colorado Springs 4

Mercedes Benz Dealers Colorado 6 Mercedes Benz C-Class Colorado Springs 7 Mercedes Benz For Sale Colorado Springs >20

Mercedes Benz Oil Change Colorado Springs >20 Mercedes Benz Tires Colorado Springs >20

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eCarList provides web-based inventory management, distribution, and marketing services to leading franchise and independent automotive dealerships Nationwide.

The original software platform was built solely as an inventory management and distribution tool. Designed by a world-renown independent online retailer, the software was initially intended for private use.

In 2006, based on the software’s intuitiveness, all-inclusive pricing analytics and industry demand, eCarList was founded with the objective of mass-marketing the product to any independent or franchise dealer with the intent on increasing its online presence.

After just 3 years of continued innovation, eCarList’s comprehensive product lineup now includes a robust Inventory Management tool, Vehicle Pricing Analytics, Award-Winning Custom Websites, Full-Service Online Marketing Services including Search & Behavioral Marketing, Managed Chat, Video Mobile Websites and a brand new mobile application that allows dealers to conduct real-time vehicle pricing research and manage inventory.

eCarList has just recently released its newest addition to their product lineup, TrueTarget Mobile, quoted by President and CEO Len Critcher as being “an industry-changing mobile appraisal, pricing, and inventory management iPhone application”.

TrueTarget offers all the cool features such as VIN scanner, vehicle quick adds, integrated photo management, and real-time competitive views, but TrueTarget Mobile is the only application to retrieve both Retail and Wholesale values and incorporate them with data such as Market Days Supply, Price Variance, and Target – all of which empower the buyer with the most current and accurate market data available.

Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, eCarList is privately held, and an eBay Motors Preferred Provider.

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Company Profiled eCarlist

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles B

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Lotus of Austin

Lotus Austin 1 Lotus Cars Austin 1

Lotus Dealership Austin 1 Lotus of Austin 1

Lotus Parts Austin 1 Lotus Dealer Austin 1

Lotus Dealers Texas 2 Lotus Elise Austin 2

Lotus Service Austin 2 Used Lotus Dealer Austin 2

Lotus Tires Austin 2 Used Lotus Austin 4

Lotus Oil Change Austin 4 Lotus For Sale Austin 8

Used Lotus Elise Austin 9 Lotus Evora Austin 12

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Fresh Input Fresh Input Design is a full service Web Solutions Company based in the Seattle Metro area of the Northwest. But don't let their location fool you. Fresh Input works with companies all over the country. Fresh Input provides not only the custom designs for your website but they work on the nuts and bolts of the project too! If you’re looking for design, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM) or E-Commerce for your business solution needs Fresh Input believes their creative and technological experience can provide you with an innovative website that you'll be calling a winner! Over the last several years Fresh Input has been working hard to bring the latest in web technologies and captivating web design to their clients. Fresh Input works with their clients to help them effectively communicate their online business message and brand. By providing our clients solutions to their online business needs Fresh Input has helped them establish a successful online business presence. Fresh Input is committed to giving their clients not only great service but a great product they can be proud of and feel good about showing off to their friends and business associates. By focusing on the details of everything from the design of your website to the marketing of your message, Fresh Input truly believes they can help your company capture the audience it deserves. Fresh Input’s goal is simply to provide innovative solutions while having an honest approach to give their clients the edge needed in the online market place. Fresh Input is a company passionate about web design, development and search engine marketing, they look to provide the right solution for every challenge and believe in building lasting relationships with their clients while seeking every opportunity to exceed expectations.

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Company Profiled Fresh Input

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions N

Quality of Inventory Titles C Quality of Inventory URL Structure A

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Jim Glover Chevrolet Chevy Cars Tulsa 1

Chevy Dealer Tulsa 1 Chevy Dealership Tulsa 1

Chevy Parts Tulsa 1 Chevy Service Tulsa 1

Chevy Tulsa 1 Jim Glover Chevrolet 1

Used Chevy Tulsa 1 Used Chevy Volt Tulsa 1

Chevy Volt Tulsa 2 Chevy Impala Tulsa 4

Used Chevy Dealer Tulsa 4 Chevy Oil Change Tulsa 5

Chevy Dealers Oklahoma 5 Chevy Tires Tulsa 9

Chevy For Sale Tulsa >20

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Higher Turnover

Higher Turnover specializes in working with small dealerships, and they know that small dealers usually need more than what other companies offer. They provide high value for websites and internet marketing and also provide education on how to make the most of your site.

Higher Turnover understands that as a small dealer you probably don’t have an “internet department” like the bigger guys and that you have a limited advertising budget. This is exactly where Higher Turnover can help. Their software was developed from the ground up with one thing in mind: most car guys aren’t computer guys. Get a car listed in seconds and have it appear on your website instantly, even if turning your computer on is a challenge. Vehicles can be loaded on your website literally within seconds. Enter a VIN, set your price, and click a button. Your vehicles are automatically sent to 3rd party sites you use such as so you only enter the vehicle once, in one spot. Spend your time selling cars, not listing them. In addition to the 3rd party classified sites you already use, Higher Turnover sends your vehicles to hundreds of other sites for shoppers to find. More exposure means more sales, period.

Higher Turnover continually tweaks your site and makes recommendations for content so your dealership website is indexed by the major search engines and competitive with relevant keyword searches. Higher Turnover clients frequently rank higher than larger dealerships paying 3rd party companies for SEO services. One small decision can change your business forever.

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Company Profiled Higher Turnover

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Wadsworth Motorcars Inc.

Used Cars Dealer Wadsworth 1 Used Cars Wadsworth 1 Wadsworth Motorcars 1

Pre-Owned Trucks Wadsworth 1 Used Trucks Wadsworth 1

Pre-Owned Cars Wadsworth 1 Used Cars Dealership Wadsworth 2

Used Cars For Sale Wadsworth 2 Used Cars Dealers Ohio >20

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izmocars was founded on a simple principle - Content is King.

From 2002 onwards, izmocars has created some of the most compelling Interactive Media content for the automotive industry, transforming the face and feel of thousands of dealer websites around the world.

izmocars content has not only given rise to a suite of innovative products but also a company that today, provides a tightly integrated online solution suite for automotive retail. Their mission is to develop innovative solutions that create new paradigms to solve old problems.

izmocars has grown both organically and through strategic acquisitions, while their product suite has evolved to include: iConsult, a Sales Performance Coaching Program and iCRM, a Full Suite Customer Relationship Management Solution.

Proof of izmo’s inventiveness lies in their creation of: interactive media virtual tours for automotive retail, organic online marketing for automotive dealerships, AddOnAuto, an online accessories sales solution for dealers, izmoReader, and a digital publishing platform for newspapers.

izmocars’ core beliefs are shared and strengthened by 300+ dedicated members of the izmo family, whose common goal of excellence and pride in their products has helped them grow from a small start-up with one office to a global company with three offices in the US, studios in Long Beach, CA and Brussels, Europe, and a global delivery center in India.

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Company Profiled Izmo Cars

Example Websites Source Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Researched Researched Researched Researched Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles A

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Potamkin South Hyundai

Potamkin South Hyundai 1 Hyundai Dealership Miami 2

Hyundai Dealer Miami 3 Hyundai Parts Miami 5 Hyundai Cars Miami 5

Hyundai Miami 5 Hyundai Service Miami 7

Used Hyundai Miami 13 Used Hyundai Dealer Miami 16

Hyundai Dealers Florida >20 Hyundai For Sale Miami >20 Hyundai Genesis Miami >20

Hyundai Oil Change Miami >20 Hyundai Sonata Miami >20

Hyundai Tires Miami >20 Used Hyundai Sonata Miami >20

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Jazel Auto In today’s crazy economic environment, you need to work with an online marketing partner with a superior technology specifically designed to help your prospects easily find your car dealer website on Google, Yahoo and MSN so you have the

opportunity to convert more browsers to buyers.

Jazel’s years of automotive marketing experience and approach of aligning with their customer’s best interest have lead them to center their company’s DNA around three primary pillars. These three pillars are the foundation and guiding force of their company.

Continual Improvement is found in Jazel’s on-going commitment to innovation and drive to have the best car dealer website solution in the automotive industry. Jazel’s Mission Statement is to make the impossible possible, the possible easy and the easy elegant.

Simply put, Jazel lives and dies by the success and satisfaction of their customers. Jazel knows this and creates a culture that understands the importance of helping their customers.

Jazel shares a simple philosophy with each of their customer service team members: The customer isn’t always right, but the customer is ALWAYS the customer. What this means is that Jazel’s staff doesn’t only do what they are asked, but also help customers to make decisions that have their best interests in mind.

Jazel is not in the business of selling websites to car dealerships. Jazel is in the business of selling cars (financing, parts, service, etc.) to consumers on behalf of their dealers.

Continually focusing and building solutions that engage consumers will lead to more opportunity for your auto dealership to convert the online opportunities to sales. Jazel’s focus on the consumer is the driving force behind their innovation.

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Company Profiled Jazel Auto

Example Websites Source Researched Researched Researched Researched Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Metro Nissan Montclair

Metro Nissan Montclair 1 Nissan Altima Montclair 1

Nissan Oil Change Montclair 1 Nissan Parts Montclair 1

Nissan Service Montclair 1 Nissan Tires Montclair 1

Used Nissan Dealer Montclair 1 Used Nissan Montclair 1

Used Nissan Rogue Montclair 1 Nissan Cars Montclair 2

Nissan Dealer Montclair 2 Nissan Dealership Montclair 2

Nissan For Sale Montclair 2 Nissan Montclair 2

Nissan Rogue Montclair 2 Nissan Dealers California >20

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K3 Automotive K3 Automotive is a growing company looking to help independent used car dealers move their inventory and see cars faster and make profit by listing their cars on some of the most popular websites for searching inventory. K3 Automotive has data feeds to all of the large inventory management sites such as,,,, CreditAceptance,,,, and Ace Motor Acceptance. K3 Automotive also provides solutions to Window Stickers and Custom dealership Window Stickers, Custom Dealership Websites for your own personal dealership website, offsite data storage, DDS to back up your most important files on your computer, which include your dealer management software database, and teaching Carolina Dealers the Ins and Outs of the car business by teaching a one day class to new car dealers that are in the used car business for the first time. can provide more information.

In summation, K3 Automotive specializes in providing advanced technical solutions to independent car dealers and used car dealerships. K3 specializes in solutions that can help drive your dealership forward and sustain success.

Feed your inventory to many of the most popular online marketing websites out there. With K3 Automotive uploading your vehicles to other marketing websites is AUTOMATIC. Don't worry about clicking or remembering to update your listings, the K3 Webupload Program takes care of that automatically.

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Company Profiled k3 Automotive

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Researched Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles N Unique Inventory META Descriptions N

Quality of Inventory Titles C Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Odells Auto Sales

Odells Auto Sales 2 Used Cars High Point >20

Used Cars Dealer High Point >20 Used Car Dealers North Carolina >20 Used Car Dealership High Point >20 Used Cars For Sale High Point >20

Used Cars High Point >20 Used Trucks High Point >20

Pre-Owned Cars High Point NC >20

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Liquid Motors

Liquid Motors Inc., a Dallas, Texas based corporation, offers auto dealers a comprehensive automotive Internet marketing solution designed to maximize lead generation. Liquid Motors Inc., provides a variety of auto software and services that create a competitive advantage for auto dealerships by generating and capturing more cost-effective automotive internet marketing leads using no-cost internet classifieds, eBay auctions and listings, leading pay classifieds and car dealer websites through the implementation of strategic pricing analysis, search optimization and marketing, and compelling multimedia.

With more than 80% of car buyers starting the search for their next vehicle on the Internet, the Internet has forever changed the way consumers search, shop and purchase automobiles.

To thrive, dealerships must embrace auto dealer software technology, build consumer trust and confidence, effectively promote their brand image and inventory, adapt to the opportunity or risk becoming non-relevant, partner with auto software vendors that will keep up with rapidly changing technologies

Liquid Motors has the competitive market intelligence, customizable auto software, and service-oriented industry experts to provide optimal Internet marketing performance for auto dealers. Liquid Motors delivers auto industry experts, inherent market intelligence, automotive internet marketing and technology experts, customization to each dealer's brand image, competitive advantage through best practices, world-class account management and support, the most comprehensive auto internet marketing platform

Whether your dealership is looking for an entry level automotive internet marketing service, or a totally comprehensive automotive internet marketing solution, Liquid Motors auto dealer software, products and services deliver results.

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Company Profiled Liquid Motors

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Researched Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles B Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles B

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Ira Audi Audi A4 Peabody 1

Audi Parts Peabody 1 Audi Peabody 1

Ira Audi 1 Used Audi A4 Peabody 1

Used Audi Dealer Peabody 1 Used Audi Peabody 1 Audi Cars Peabody 1

Audi Dealer Peabody 1 Audi Dealership Peabody 1

Audi Service Peabody 1 Audi Dealers Massachusetts 3

Audi Oil Change Peabody 3 Audi For Sale Peabody 4

Audi Tires Peabody 5 Audi A5 Peabody 8

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From the beginning, MJMI found its niche with a combination of marketing savvy and state-of-the-art Internet tools for its clients. Equal priority was given to promotion, hosting power, online sales generation and quality design.

This "complete package" equation has continued to add up to impressive growth for MJMI. Then Michael J. Motto Internet found itself the designer and host of a collection of winners in the Ziff Davis/Automotive News Best Dealership Website National Awards, including taking top honors for the Best Overall Site for three years in a row - 1999, 2000 and 2001.

MJMI continues to excel and innovate in automotive dealership Internet marketing while continuing to broaden its roster of clients, now focused on Automobile Retailers and a selection of other businesses.

Technological advances in the Home, Dealership and at MJMI have burgeoned the merger of television-like multi-media marketing opportunities that celebrate the imagination! In response to these opportunities the foundation of television advertising skills vested in the talents of MJMI are rapidly merging with their deep, practical and widely successful Internet skills.

MJMI customers have the unique opportunity to partner with an Internet marketing firm that will undoubtedly help them stand separate and above their competitors online.

MJMI is very proud of the fact that virtually all of their clients stay for a very long time. MJMI believes firmly that the partnerships forged with their customers bring much more to the table than the usual web design firm. MJMI uses experience and talent to generate sales results for you through your websites and browser-based applications.

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Company Profiled MJMI

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure A

Quality of Static Page Titles A

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested

Dealership Name Nissan 24 Nissan 24 1

Nissan Brockton 1 Nissan Cars Brockton 1

Nissan Dealer Brockton 1 Nissan Dealership Brockton 1

Nissan Parts Brockton 1 Nissan Rogue Brockton 1

Nissan Service Brockton 1 Nissan Tires Brockton 1 Used Nissan Brockton 1

Used Nissan Dealer Brockton 1 Nissan Oil Change Brockton 1

Nissan For Sale Brockton 5 Nissan Altima Brockton 6

Used Nissan Rogue Brockton 10 Nissan Dealers Massachusetts >20

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My Dealer Biz

MyDealerBiz simplifies things by providing one monthly plan that gives access to all of the services and all of the functionality they have to offer...because that's how it should be. MyDealerBiz provides a solution that performs every task all dealerships need to stay competitive in today's market.

With MyDealerBiz software and web solution - your dealership has a solid foundation for growth, management, and marketing!

MyDealerBiz’s Custom Solution offers a premium web solution to dealers demanding excellence from their branding and web marketing.

Your project will be assigned to an experienced project leader and designed by a lead designer. This solution is completely customized and no two designs are ever the same.

MyDealerBiz will consult with you to find the appropriate style, feel, message, and technologies that will best communicate your dealership's value proposition. Everything will be personalized, including the price.

Let MyDealerBiz help you with their Basic Solution. This web solution allows for customization, personalization, and Better Inventory search features. This is a great solution for a small to medium sized dealership.

If you are a smaller dealership or just starting out - the basic solution might be perfect for your dealership, this web solution is powered by MyDealerBiz software and has tons of features. Basic Solution includes: Custom Banner, Inventory Page or Basic Website, Finance Page, Credit App System, Contact Page, and more.

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Company Profiled My Dealer Biz

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Researched Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles N Unique Inventory META Descriptions N

Quality of Inventory Titles C Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles B

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Gulf Coast Nissan

Gulf Coast Nissan 1 Nissan Angleton 1

Nissan Cars Angleton 1 Nissan Dealer Angleton 1

Nissan Dealership Angleton 1 Nissan Oil Change Angleton 1

Used Nissan Angleton 1 Nissan Parts Angleton 1

Nissan Service Angleton 1 Nissan Tires Angleton 4

Used Nissan Dealer Angleton 5 Nissan Altima Angleton 5 Nissan Rogue Angleton 10

Nissan Dealers Texas >20 Nissan For Sale Angleton >20

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Nexteppe is a provider of marketing expertise and tools that help automotive dealers reach their customers and increase their business.

Product line-up includes Websites, Mobile Marketing Technology, Inventory Control Technology, Search Engine Optimization Technology, and Lead Management Software, New Car Videos, Used Car Videos, Craigslist, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, VSEO... and much more

They offer the most complete suite of dealer services that include: custom dealership websites, a powerful lead management solution, the world's most advanced inventory control system, pay per click advertising, and DVD commercials.

Nexteppe’s support team will make the technology provided easy for you to use to ensure a positive return on your investment.

Nexteppe is also a leader in sales training. If you are in need of help, attend one of their sales training seminars or let them tailor a training program for your specific needs.

Nexteppe knows that just about every dealership has a website and that is why their website platform is a Steppe above the rest. They design every factory compliant dealership website to give their clients a unique appearance that will not only impress visitors to active leads. Every dealership website is developed with the simple goal in mind; capture the name phone number, email address and vehicle of interest of your potential customers.

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Company Profiled Nexteppe

Example Websites Source Advertised Researched Researched Researched Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles C Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Huntington Honda

Honda Cars Huntington 1 Honda CR-V Huntington 1

Honda Oil Change Huntington 1 Honda Parts Huntington 1

Honda Service Huntington 1 Huntington Honda 1

Used Honda Dealer Huntington 1 Used Honda Huntington 1

Honda Dealer Huntington 1 Honda Dealership Huntington 1 Used Honda CR-V Huntington 5

Honda Tires Huntington 8 Honda Civic Huntington 14

Honda Dealers New York >20 Honda For Sale Huntington >20

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Pixel Motion Motors

Pixel Motion Motors is located in Newport Beach, California. As you know Southern California has always been known for its automotive culture.

The same is now true for the high tech industry as more computer related companies are moving into the area. It was in this atmosphere that PMM merged with the two and created one of the most unique custom websites providers in the business. What separates Pixel Motion apart from the competition is their professional web designers and programmers.

They are passionate about their detailed approach and solutions to each website they create. Surveys show that half of web sales are lost because visitors cannot easily find the products or services they are looking for. PMM has developed programs that are simple to navigate, easy to understand and yet visually entertaining.

Having been in the automotive business, they know you only get one shot at making that great first impression. And being very impressed is what happens the very moment a browser opens your PMM site. First they’re hooked on the incredible visuals of the animated blending process, featuring your dealership and product images. Then it’s on to the high tech interactive programs where they will eventually generate a lead for your Internet or sale department.

It’s important to note that Pixel motion Motors has world class Customer Service and Tech Support teams. No voice mail labyrinth here, just real IT’s at the ready during regular business hours or send a email which is monitored on a 24/7 basis. Most often glitches are handled within the hour as opposed to days.

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Company Profiled Pixel Motion

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles B Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles A

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested

Dealership Name BMW Buena Park 1

BMW 135i Buena Park 1 BMW Buena Park 1

BMW Cars Buena Park 1 BMW Dealer Buena Park 1

BMW Dealership Buena Park 1 BMW For Sale Buena Park 1

BMW Oil Change Buena Park 1 BMW Parts Buena Park 1

BMW Service Buena Park 1 BMW Tires Buena Park 1

Used BMW 128i Buena Park 1 Used BMW Buena Park 1

Used BMW Dealer Buena Park 1 Used BMW Dealer Buena Park 1

BMW 128i Buena Park 2 BMW Dealers California 5

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Potratz Potratz Automotive Advertising is a Schenectady-based full service automotive ad agency specializing in interactive automotive marketing and automotive social media.

Since its inception in 2001, Potratz has been on the cutting edge of technology. By developing and utilizing fast-changing digital media, Potratz keeps their auto dealers ahead of the competition.

The Potratz team consists of a number of extremely talented, knowledgeable, automotive-savvy professionals that work by one simple rule: Never produce something for a client that you don’t believe in. Potratz grows Dealerships’ bottom line from retail sales, service, parts and collision and don’t waste time nor money Potratz is not your typical Full Service Ad Agency. Potratz understands what works in dealerships – from Fixed-Ops to Finance to Sales. Even though they have worked in the Automotive Industry for decades, Potratz remains on the cutting edge of Technology and Automotive trends. With dozens of clients across the country, they specialize in Interactive Marketing, Social Media, and the integration of these Digital Marketing practices with Traditional Advertising. Potratz also provides extensive On-Site training for each of your dealerships’ departments to ensure that your dealership managing and retaining as many customers as possible. Services provided include: Websites, Interactive, Full Service Auto, Public Relations, Graphic Design, Training, DMS management, Research, Video production, and feel free to ask yourself whether you’re doing the best you can at your dealership!

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Company Profiled Potratz Partners

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles N Unique Inventory META Descriptions N

Quality of Inventory Titles C Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Brown's Ford

Brown's Ford 1 Ford Johnstown 4

Ford Service Johnstown 5 Ford Dealership Johnstown 6

Ford Dealer Johnstown 7 Ford Fiesta Johnstown >20

Ford Cars Johnstown >20 Ford Dealers New York >20 Ford F-150 Johnstown >20

Ford For Sale Johnstown >20 Ford Oil Change Johnstown >20

Ford Parts Johnstown >20 Ford Tires Johnstown >20

Used Ford Dealer Johnstown >20 Used Ford F-150 Johnstown >20

Used Ford Johnstown >20

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ProMax Unlimited ProMax Unlimited is cutting-edge technology for dealers who choose to be ahead of the curve.

Here are just a few of our company milestones: Introduced the industry’s first special finance system in 1995; Launched the first totally web based system two years ahead of the rest of the industry; and In January 2008 we introduced the only completely integrated compliance package on the market

With ProMax Unlimited you'll be able to streamline your sales process, improve your productivity and increase profits more easily than ever before. It's easy to use, yet powerful enough to handle your entire sales process, and guarantee accuracy every step of the way.

From CRM to desking to inventory to reports, ProMax Unlimited has all the tools you need to run your dealership.

With your ProMax Unlimited system you will also receive our commitment to superior customer service. They visit your dealership, consult with your team, and support your sales process. As a ProMax Unlimited user you’ll receive answers to your questions and technical assistance whenever you need it. And you will always hear a human voice on the other end of the line, not a computerized menu!

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Company Profiled Promaxonline

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles N Unique Inventory META Descriptions N

Quality of Inventory Titles C Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Walt Sweeny Ford

Ford Tires Cincinnati 1 Used Ford Dealer Cincinnati 1

Walt Sweeny Ford 1 Ford Service Cincinnati 2

Ford Dealership Cincinnati 2 Used Ford Cincinnati 2

Ford Cincinnati 3 Ford Dealer Cincinnati 3

Ford Cars Cincinnati 4 Used Ford F-150 Cincinnati 8

Ford F-150 Cincinnati 9 Ford Parts Cincinnati 10

Ford Dealers Ohio 16 Ford Fiesta Cincinnati >20

Ford For Sale Cincinnati >20 Ford Oil Change Cincinnati >20

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Pure Dealer

Pure Dealer, based out of New Jersey, provides automotive SEO services, automotive marketing systems, automotive search engine optimization (SEO), automotive search engine marketing (SEM), Microsite and landing page development, and electronic press release services (ePR) for automotive dealers across the US.

In addition, Pure Dealer is a pioneer in automotive website development and dealership marketing. Pure Dealer drives traffic via national search rankings and local keywords for both themselves and their clients. Their automotive marketing clients include nearly every franchise.

Pure Dealer provides virtual dedicated staff that will post your inventory to the right location for you to get the most reach. It is like having your own full time staff posting for you without having to come to your location. You provide your inventory provider, some contact into, and email addresses for CRM (ADF format) and text email lead delivery. Once this is done Pure Dealer takes over. They also add a track-able phone number and provide reporting as well. The only requirement is to install a simple web application on your local machine that allows Pure Dealer to post from your IP address. Pure Dealer becomes an extension of your dealership work force, and do not break the rules established by Craigslist since they believe all posts are coming from your dealership

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Company Profiled Pure Dealer

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions N

Quality of Inventory Titles B Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Volvo of Bridgewater

Volvo Dealer Somerville 1 Volvo Dealership Somerville 1

Volvo of Bridgewater 1 Volvo Service Somerville 1

Volvo Somerville 1 Volvo Parts Somerville 6 Used Volvo Somerville 8

Volvo Dealers New Jersey 8 Volvo xc60 Somerville 13

Used Volvo xc60 Somerville >20 Volvo s40 Somerville >20

Volvo Cars Somerville >20 Volvo For Sale Somerville >20

Volvo Oil Change Somerville >20 Volvo Tires Somerville >20

Used Volvo Dealer Somerville >20

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Reynolds and Reynolds

Reynolds and Reynolds deliver information technology, dealership software solutions, forms, and professional services that support every aspect of automotive retailing. The company’s leadership is built on deep automotive industry experience, technological knowledge, and the unique ability to bring both together in solutions that connect car companies, automobile retailers, and consumers.

Reynolds and Reynolds expanded into the Canadian market in 1963, when the company purchased the automotive division of Windsor Office Supply in Windsor, Ontario. Today Reynolds is the DMS market leader in Canada.

In 2001, UCS acquired Kalamazoo, headquartered in the United Kingdom, which now supplies DMS solutions and services to thousands of sites worldwide. With the acquisition of DCS Automotive in 2006, Reynolds further expanded its European presence.

The company’s heritage of nearly a century and a half sets it apart, as they build for the future. Reynolds and Reynolds has a clear direction in meeting the needs of automobile dealerships and car manufacturers.

More than anything else, it is a company with strong pride and people who, together, provide an ongoing competitive advantage for Reynolds.

Reynolds and Reynolds help dealers generate more sales, retain more profit, work more smoothly with OEMs, and improve the car ownership experience for every consumer. They expect to hire the best talent and to provide the best environment so that talent can develop, grow, and contribute to their success in meeting the needs of their customers.

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Company Profiled Reynolds & Reynolds

Example Websites Source Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles B Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles A

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Palmetto Ford

Ford Cars Charleston 1 Ford Charleston 1

Ford Dealer Charleston 1 Ford Dealership Charleston 1

Ford F-150 Charleston 1 Ford Parts Charleston 1

Ford Service Charleston 1 Used Ford Charleston 1

Used Ford Dealer Charleston 1 Palmetto Ford 1

Ford Oil Change Charleston 1 Ford Dealers South Carolina 3

Ford Tires Charleston 3 Ford For Sale Charleston 5

Used Ford F-150 Charleston 9 Ford Fiesta Charleston >20

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Search Optics, Inc.

Search Optics, Inc. is an interactive marketing firm that specializes in helping automotive industry customers generate leads that result in sales opportunities.

Search Optics provides a turn-key digital marketing solution that includes custom websites, search engine optimization, managed paid search, social media and reputation management, email marketing, mobile websites, and reporting and analytics.

Their unique UPTRACS technology provides customers with a proprietary reporting and analytics technology, which tracks and records phone calls and e-mails from search engine marketing Pay-Per-Click campaigns. With UPTRACS, you receive concise reports that give you a straightforward look at how all your programs are performing.

Founded on a client-centric philosophy, they believe that your success is our success. Their experienced team is always available to support you with all your on-line marketing needs.

Search Optics, Inc. was founded in 1998 as a pioneer in providing online strategy and Internet marketing services for automotive dealers. Over the last ten years, Search Optics has grown into a leader in providing a complete turnkey digital marketing solution for the automotive industry in North America.

UPTRACS, proprietary reporting and analytics technology, tracks and records phone calls and e-mails from search engine marketing pay-per-click campaigns, combined with other solutions, including their lead-generating virtual showroom, social media, and mobile solutions.

Search Optics continues to innovate to bring our customers a complete digital marketing solution that generate leads which result in sales opportunities, with the attitude that at the end of the day, results speak for themselves.

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Company Profiled Search Optics

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions N

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles B

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Pacific Honda

Honda Cars San Diego 1 Honda Civic San Diego 1 Honda CR-V San Diego 1

Honda Dealer San Diego 1 Honda Dealership San Diego 1

Honda Parts San Diego 1 Honda San Diego 1

Honda Service San Diego 1 Honda Tires San Diego 1

Pacific Honda 1 Used Honda Dealer San Diego 1

Used Honda San Diego 1 Honda Oil Change San Diego 1

Honda For Sale San Diego 2 Used Honda CR-V San Diego 3

Honda Dealers California >20

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SEO Sport

SEO Sport is a dealer SEO and custom website design company specializing in the development of dealership websites and the implementation of the most highly advanced search engine optimization techniques in the SEO industry.

With over a decade of direct automotive internet marketing experience combined with an extensive background in website design SEO Sport provides each of their dealers with a fully customized strategy for their individual store and dealer brand needs.

While most of today’s automotive website companies are going after the masses, SEO SPORT has taken a different approach with a focus on quality and not quantity. SEO Sport strives to make each client number one in their markets by making their website and online content stand out from their competition. Not only do they get your website to rank for the most significant words in your dealerships local market but they go after complete domination of your competition.

The SEO Sport team takes an aggressive approach to SEO while remaining safe from being banned or blacklisted by any of the major search engines. With focus on website usability and ease of navigation for your customers, SEO Sport’s fully customized websites will convert a higher number of your website visitors into high quality car leads for your internet salespeople to follow up with and close!

Once your website is fully customized and ready to convert a higher volume of traffic into leads, SEO Sport gets to work on your off-site SEO and starts building your website as an authority on the web, greatly improving your rankings in the various search engines.

The SEO Sport team leaves no leaf unturned as they optimize for not just Google web search, they also target various image search engines, blog search engines, social search engines, RSS search engines and most importantly… Mobile Search Engines!

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Company Profiled SEO Sport

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Researched Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles B Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles B

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Hyundai of Louisville

Hyundai Cars Louisville 1 Hyundai Dealer Louisville 1

Hyundai Dealership Louisville 1 Hyundai Genesis Louisville 1

Hyundai Louisville 1 Hyundai of Louisville 1

Hyundai Service Louisville 1 Hyundai Sonata Louisville 1

Used Hyundai Dealer Louisville 1 Used Hyundai Louisville 1

Used Hyundai Sonata Louisville 1 Hyundai Parts Louisville 1

Hyundai Dealers Kentucky 3 Hyundai For Sale Louisville 13

Hyundai Oil Change Louisville >20 Hyundai Tires Louisville >20

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Smart Web Concepts

Smart Web Concepts provides the automotive industry with cutting edge technology solutions.

In today’s ever changing landscape, Smart Web Concepts tools provide the solid foundation for success. Eye-catching sites are customized to meet the dealer’s needs as well as all factory compliance requirements. Suite of applications include lead generation, world class CRM Applications and results driven SEO / Social Network Marketing, Reputation Management, Web Site Management Services, Mobile Apps, CRM Tool, Chat, Consulting, Search Engine Optimization, Video Search Engine Optimization, and Search Engine Marketing.

With tools such as a Virtual Sales Person, Impressive New Model Showroom, Professional Video Introductions of every new model and many more, you are not only able to attract customers to your website but able to turn them into leads targeted specifically to your store and inventory. Also with fully customizable promotions and coupons that can be displayed on your website for not only your sales events but your fixed ops, your customer retention and ROI will increase.

DealerChat is a new product designed to bring the Automotive Industry closer than ever to buyers doing research and shopping online. The DealerChat tool allows you to communicate with potential buyers in the Instant Message format that has become commonplace in today’s society.

Smart Web concepts and its partners have been involved with search marketing in the automotive arena before it was the "cool thing to do." Their marketing efforts were not born out of a competition for your dealership's advertising dollar; their methodology originated to assist an urban single point domestic store.

Smart Web concepts goal always has been to provide dealers with the best quality traffic to their own website.

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Company Profiled Smart Web Concepts

Example Websites Source Advertised Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Carmichael Honda

Honda Cars Citrus Heights 1 Honda Citrus Heights 1

Honda Civic Citrus Heights 1 Honda CR-V Citrus Heights 1

Honda Dealer Citrus Heights 1 Honda Dealership Citrus Heights 1

Honda For Sale Citrus Heights 1 Used Honda Citrus Heights 1

Used Honda CR-V Citrus Heights 1 Carmichael Honda 1

Honda Parts Citrus Heights 1 Honda Service Citrus Heights 1

Honda Oil Change Citrus Heights 2 Used Honda Dealer Citrus Heights 2

Honda Tires Citrus Heights 8 Honda Dealers California >20

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TK Carsites

Headquartered in Irvine, CA, TK Carsites, Inc. is the premium provider of cutting edge Internet marketing solutions to franchise and independent automobile dealers in the U.S. and Canada. Our goal is to help dealers increase sales and market share in all profit centers. We are engaged in every aspect of automotive Internet marketing, offering a wide range of products and services to include Dealer Websites, Social Media, Search Engine Optimization, On-Line Inventory, Video, Mobile Phone Sites and more. Our core business is focused around our Power Series Product Line, which began with the release of the Power of 5 Website in 2008, a platform that started the reputation management revolution in the automotive industry. We continued with the release of Power Indexed Inventory, which helped us win the highly prestigious Dual ASMA Award in 2009. In 2010, we released our DealerTV product and we enhanced our already-impressive search engine optimization by releasing Power SEO. Our current release, Power Social, takes the ever-changing and highly diverse world of social media and gives dealers the power to achieve the highest ROI from Web 2.0. The upcoming release of our Power Website Platform will continue to shape our company over the next year. This groundbreaking system will give unprecedented control, allowing dealers to add or remove lead-generating Power Apps seamlessly and without the need for any programming experience whatsoever. Being in Orange County, CA gives us access to a tremendous pool of Internet technology talent. We focus on hiring the most qualified individuals and providing them the tools to be successful. We believe that everyone on our team is important and deserves support, respect, and an exciting work environment where ideas are shared and flourish. That’s one of the reasons we are the only website company to win the Auto Dealer Monthly Dealer’s Choice Award 6 years in a row For more information, call 800-899-7791 or visit Richard Valenta CEO TK Carsites, Inc.

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Company Profiled TK Carsites

Example Websites Source Submitted Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure A

Quality of Static Page Titles A

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Marlboro Nissan

Nissan Dealer Marlboro 1 Nissan Dealers Massachusetts 1

Marlboro Nissan 1 Nissan Altima Marlboro 1

Nissan Cars Marlboro 1 Nissan Dealership Marlboro 1

Nissan Marlboro 1 Used Nissan Dealer Marlboro 1

Used Nissan Leaf Marlboro 1 Used Nissan Marlboro 2 * Nissan Tires Marlboro 3 *

Nissan Service Marlboro 3 * Nissan Leaf Marlboro 3 *

Nissan Parts Marlboro 4 * Nissan Oil Change Marlboro 5 *

Nissan For Sale Marlboro 1

* Search results do not indicate the Power of Five technology which depending on the search phrase actually places Marlboro Nissan in the #1 position, but for a different Power of 5 Site. Effectively, most searches produce a Marlboro Nissan controlled site in the #1 position.

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An industry-leading developer of Internet-based Customer Relations Management and Internet Lead Management software, VinSolutions provides 24/7 dealership sales and marketing information to their clients anywhere Internet access is available. In addition to CRM, ILM and Inventory Control products, VinSolutions builds custom dealership Web sites, uploads inventory photos, offers their clients quality training and consulting services, as well as valuable customer support. VinSolutions is GM, Ford, Chrysler, Audi and Subaru certified, and has working relationships, alliances and integrations with several automotive software service providers such as Kelley Blue Book, AutoSoft Inc., CARFAX, Autodata, RouteOne and DealerTrack.

VinSolutions’ suite of products spans the scope of a dealership’s needs. Whether you own a single store, or command a multi-rooftop operation, MotoSnap is the perfect software solution. A proven trendsetter in on-demand automotive Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Internet Lead Management (ILM) and Inventory Control Systems, VinSolutions’ development team continuously advances software technology through leading-edge innovations. A fully integrated Business Development Center and Dealership Desking Modules round out their complement of dealership Internet software solutions.

VinSolutions not only offers world class Internet software, but provides exceptional service products as well. Their training and consulting personnel are well-versed in automotive sales processes, and expertly set their students on the pathway toward increased sales. The design team creates fully integrated Dealer Web Sites intended to attract vehicle shoppers and convert them to vehicle buyers.

VinSolutions provides their dealers with technological tools unsurpassed in the industry. The complete dealership software suite intricately meshes the needs of complex dealership processes with an intuitive ease of software use. And as always, there’s no contract necessary.

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Company Profiled Vin Solutions

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Submitted Advertised Advertised Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles A

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Baton Rouge Honda

Baton Rouge Honda 1 Honda Dealership Baton Rouge 1 Honda Oil Change Baton Rouge 1

Honda Parts Baton Rouge 1 Used Honda Baton Rouge 1

Used Honda Dealer Baton Rouge 1 Honda CR-V Baton Rouge 1 Honda Cars Baton Rouge 1

Honda Dealer Baton Rouge 3 Honda Service Baton Rouge 3

Honda Baton Rouge 3 Honda For Sale Baton Rouge 3

Honda Civic Baton Rouge 4 Used Honda CR-V Baton Rouge 4

Honda Dealers Louisiana 9 Honda Tires Baton Rouge 9

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Wilson Software Corporation

Wilson Software’s Dealership Management Software - Interactive DMS provides complete dealership management enabling you to book inventory, run credit reports, work deals & more all from one application.

Fast, user friendly software for used car dealers, motorcycle dealers, boat dealers and finance companies that manages all aspects of inventory, sales processing, forms printing, collections, custom management reports and electronic document scanning and storage. Ideal for buy here pay here, wholesalers, retailers, lease here pay here, rent to own and finance companies. Complete with multiple company setup including related finance company operations. Wilson Software Corporation has been providing software technologies for independent car dealerships since 1991 covering 46 states.

Their software can assist you in all aspects of dealership compliance requirements including compliance in state and federal laws that impact a motor vehicle sales transaction, Sales Tax Usage and Reporting, State Motor Vehicle Titling and Retail Installment Sales Acts and Statues, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Truth in Lending and Leasing Acts, the FTC Used Car Rule, the Federal Privacy and Anti-Terrorism Laws (OFAC) and more.

They create custom website designs for your company to present the best possible image of your dealership. They provide automatic inventory feeds to dozens of advertisers including and They also have a built in and utility for fast online posting.

Wilson Software Corporation provides full integrations with QuickBooks and Peachtree accounting to eliminate double posting

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Company Profiled Wilson Software Corp

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Researched Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles N Unique Inventory META Descriptions N

Quality of Inventory Titles C Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Tim Traycik Motors

Tim Traycik Motors 1 Toyota Fort Myers 18

Toyota Camry Fort Myers >20 Toyota Cars Fort Myers >20

Toyota Corolla Fort Myers >20 Toyota Dealer Fort Myers >20

Toyota Dealers Florida >20 Toyota Dealership Fort Myers >20

Toyota For Sale Fort Myers >20 Toyota Oil Change Fort Myers >20

Toyota Parts Fort Myers >20 Toyota Service Fort Myers >20

Toyota Tires Fort Myers >20 Used Toyota Camry Fort Myers >20 Used Toyota Dealer Fort Myers >20

Used Toyota Fort Myers >20

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World Dealer

WorldDealer, Inc. has over twenty-five years of retail automotive marketing experience and provides auto dealers with offline and online multi-platform marketing solutions. Their roots are in the ad agency business. WorldDealer was "spun-out" of GM's Largest Dealer Marketing Group ad agency. Now they combine traditional advertising methods with web-based marketing applications to create a more integrated and seamless communication approach for auto dealers. In this way, they can create leverage and synergy and insure that all your marketing efforts are coordinated and focused to create “one-voice” for your dealership.

Their Philosophy - The website is fast becoming the hub for the aggressive dealer’s marketing efforts. It can and should do all the heavy lifting because it can be changed on the fly to address market conditions and has the ability to feature a larger volume of content as well as more interactive content and greater variety.

WorldDealer utilizes industry leading best practices to develop effective SEO and SEM advertising campaigns for its clients. They develop strategies for simple SEO and SEM campaigns as well as leveraging promotional messages from your offline advertising messages, new make and model campaigns, used car specific campaigns and campaigns driven off each unique vehicle in your inventory. Reporting includes search engine and key word rankings, page view and link reports, competitive reports and phone call tracking reports.

The majority of websites are found through search engines. Because "web searches" search databases of information rather than the web itself, you need to drive visitors to your site through the search engines' information databases.

Four out of every five Internet users say they use a search engine daily. Additionally, 80% of all surfers say they stop looking for a site after 30 results. The higher your site is positioned within a search engine or directory, the more traffic your site will receive. Optimizing your site and strategically submitting is a measurable/traceable method of attracting self-qualified customers.

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Company Profiled World Dealer

Example Websites Source Advertised Advertised Advertised Advertised Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions N

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Findlay Toyota

Toyota Camry Henderson 1 Toyota Corolla Henderson 1 Toyota Dealer Henderson 1

Toyota Dealers Nevada 1 Toyota Dealership Henderson 1

Toyota For Sale Henderson 1 Toyota Oil Change Henderson 1

Toyota Parts Henderson 1 Toyota Service Henderson 1

Used Toyota Camry Henderson 1 Used Toyota Dealer Henderson 1

Used Toyota Henderson 1 Findlay Toyota 1

Toyota Henderson 1 Toyota Cars Henderson 3 Toyota Tires Henderson 4

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XIGroup XIGroup, a division of Dominion Dealer Solutions, provides superior search engine optimization, cost-effective websites and industry leading customer service to franchise and independent car dealers nationwide. Founded in 1998, XIGroup was acquired in April 2005 and has continued to provide feature-rich website design themes with customizations for hundreds of dealers nationwide ever since. Customers experience greater value with XIGroup’s unique blend of customizable designs, easy to use tools, and search engine expertise.

XIGroup provides cost effective websites and superior customer service to franchise and independent car dealers. Our customers experience greater value with XIGroup’s unique blend of customizable designs, easy to use tools, and search engine expertise.

Recent product innovations include mobile sites with a complete inventory search and a redesigned inventory architecture for dealer websites. Providing comparison tools, rules based engine and unparalleled degree of customization in the administrative tools are a few of the ways XIGroup sets the bar in quality of car dealer inventory data. Additional changes to XIGroup’s inventory design include: visual navigation and car comparison tools and a page editor that allows the dealer to have full control of the SEO tools. This also speaks back to the increased level of customization provided throughout the XIGroup websites, new inventory tools, and administrative section. As a part of Dominion Dealer Solutions, XIGroup is able to provide the latest in technical support and innovations, while still maintaining the small business atmosphere and high standards of support that were fundamental over 10 years ago.

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Company Profiled XIGroup

Example Websites Source Researched Researched Researched Researched Researched Submitted Submitted

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions Y

Quality of Inventory Titles A Quality of Inventory URL Structure B

Quality of Static Page Titles A

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Maple Shade Mazda

Maple Shade Mazda 1 Mazda Cars Maple Shade 1

Mazda Mazda3 Maple Shade 1 Mazda Mazda6 Maple Shade 1

Mazda Oil Change Maple Shade 1 Mazda Parts Maple Shade 1

Used Mazda Dealer Maple Shade 1 Used Mazda Maple Shade 1

Mazda Dealer Maple Shade 1 Mazda Dealership Maple Shade 1

Mazda Maple Shade 1 Mazda Service Maple Shade 1

Used Mazda Mazda3 Maple Shade 1 Mazda Tires Maple Shade 4

Mazda Dealers New Jersey 9 Mazda For Sale Maple Shade >20

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Founded in 2007, Xspond, Inc. is a full service marketing partner, providing customized Web Presence, Social Media Marketing, Facebook Applications, SEO/SEM, Database Marketing Automation, Analytics, Direct-mail, SMS Texting, and E-mail marketing solutions to car dealerships looking for an efficient, effective, and cohesive brand image.

Xspond, Inc. focuses efforts on four main mediums: Custom Websites, Facebook Applications, Social Media, and Direct Messaging tools to maximize your results. Each is used with brand consistency across the board, and each aims toward the ultimate goal of creating a community of customer advocates.

A dealership has many obstacles in breaking down the barrier to entry with new customers, so once they do; cultivating each of those relationships becomes top priority. Xspond, Inc. proprietary system automates the personalization of your database marketing, making it targeted and precise no matter what medium you use to send that message, taking into account behavioral patterns, feelings, beliefs, and standard demographics of the customer.

Social Media Marketing is certainly the current trend and can be a valuable asset to cultivating strong customer relationships. While Xspond are advocates for jumping into the social communities, they are your partners in filtering out the ones you don't need to be a part of.

Xspond, Inc. prides itself on the relationships built with dealerships. They believe in custom branding, custom sites, and personal relationships. By providing impeccable, fast, personal service insuring that all immediate needs are met and that changes across the board can be made fast and effectively. Xspond, Inc. creates the social business environment that we advocate by truly creating friendships with our partners.

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Company Profiled

Example Websites Source Advertised Researched Researched

Website Architecture Grades

Unique Inventory Titles Y Unique Inventory META Descriptions N

Quality of Inventory Titles C Quality of Inventory URL Structure C

Quality of Static Page Titles C

Local Search Testing SERP Rank

Domain Tested Dealership Name Brighton Ford

Brighton Ford 1 Ford Brighton 1

Ford F-150 Brighton 1 Ford Parts Brighton 1 Used Ford Brighton 1

Ford Dealer Brighton 1 Ford Dealership Brighton 1 Ford Oil Change Brighton 1

Ford Service Brighton 1 Ford Tires Brighton 1

Used Ford Dealer Brighton 1 Ford F-150 Brighton 4 Ford Cars Brighton 4

Ford Dealers Michigan 6 Ford Fiesta Brighton 9

Ford For Sale Brighton >20

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2010 AWA Winners

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AWA For Search Marketing

Pinnacle Platform – The Pinnacle award is the highest recognition we provide in the AWA Search Marketing category. The companies receiving this award have designed and delivered search compliant websites that stood above their peers.

Pinnacle Platform winners deliver outstanding digital marketing platforms for car dealers and show an unprecedented attention to detail in live production. These automotive platforms reached the pinnacle for scoring in our AWA benchmarks and live testing, which demonstrates that these companies practice what they preach.

Peak Performance – Representing website companies that have the search marketing architecture and feature set that will provide their clients with a strong competitive advantage online. Peak Performance winners are members of an elite group, which represent platforms that will enable dealers to create an unfair competitive advantage in their local markets.

Phoenix Awards – Representing website companies that have released an impressive redesign of their website technology that will result in significant upside performance, features and functionality to their customers. Phoenix award winning platforms will be a force to be reckoned with in 2011.

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Pinnacle Platform Winners

The five companies selected this year to receive the Pinnacle Platform award have achieved the highest scores among their peers for our Search Marketing tests. These companies have risen above their peers with proper execution of the best practices for search marketing on live dealer websites.

As automotive website vendors test, measure and improve their website platforms, they cannot ignore the fact that the best designed platforms can be crippled by the final dealership implementation and Q&A processes.

Members of this elite group of website design professionals have demonstrated that their walk and talk are aligned to deliver outstanding results for their clients.

The members of the 2010 Pinnacle Platform fraternity are diverse set of companies that span the scale in size, features, and market visibility. These winners confirm that the AWA awards selection process gives all companies equal opportunity to succeed.

In fact, this is the second year that a top category winner (MJM Internet) has been chosen that PCG Digital Marketing has never met face to face.

We are proud to recognize the 2010 AWA Pinnacle Platform Award winners, our highest award for Search Marketing, in alphabetical order:

Dealer eProcess * *

DealerFire *

TK CarSites *


The five companies listed above represent outstanding choices for increasing a dealer’s search engine marketing visibility and lead generation capability. Each company has its unique features and platform advantages that we encourage you to investigate when you are seeking a new platform in the future.

Indicates that this company was a 2009 ASMA Award Winner

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Dealer eProcess Pinnacle Platform Winner

The websites created by Dealer eProcess were some of the most impressive that we reviewed in the Search Marketing category.

This may be the first time you are hearing about the excellent websites created by Dealer eProcess and it may just be the way their marketing strategy works. They may want to keep their success a secret. Dealer eProcess is returning to the awards podium for a second time after securing a 2009 ASMA Award for Industry Leadership last year in Search Marketing.

The Pinnacle Platform winners are companies that have demonstrated outstanding attention to detail. Dealer eProcess websites set the bar this year.

In our exhausting search testing using common keywords that could be used by consumers in a dealer’s local market, Dealer eProcess websites shined. Their website technology gave their dealers unprecedented search visibility.

Our team was privileged to sit through a two-hour presentation of the Dealer eProcess website and related technology. This prompted one of our review board members to announce, “This is the best presentation that I have seen to date.”

We congratulate the Dealer eProcess team for presenting compelling, local search dominating technology in practice at dealers across the country. Now our only wish would be to see you invest in getting the word out about your website platform so that more dealers can have an unfair competitive advantage!

We hope that winning your second Automotive Website Award will give you the additional recognition you need to shine. Well done.

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Page 106 Pinnacle Platform Winner This is the second year in a row that has been placed in the highest winning category for Search Marketing. is one of only three companies to win two Automotive Website Awards (AWA) this year: Pinnacle Platform for Search Marketing and Best Online Advertising Tool for Website Technology. is an industry leader in both its number of dealerships on its technology platform and also in the way it innovates the automotive industry each year.

The latest enhancements to their website technology includes:

Integrated WordPress Blog Automated Video Blogging & Content Generation Manufacturer Incentives Management Enhanced Google Adwords Management Enhanced Page Creation Widgets One login to access all platform features

The platform allows dealers to update all Page Titles and META data with ease. This open architecture is a “feather in their cap” as recognizes that an open platform gives dealers the choice of marketing partners and SEO advisors. websites generate Google compliant traditional sitemaps and new video sitemaps on the fly. Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools tracking can be set up in minutes giving dealers the ability to audit and measure the success of their digital marketing investments.

Creating content pages that are fully search compliant using the Page Builder tools could not be easier. With expanded page widgets, dealers can create custom landing pages or targeted SEO pages in minutes. The user interface is intuitive.

In our testing and experience with clients using the platform, there are no practical limits for search marketing success. The sites that we tested demonstrated industry recommended tagging and page design to achieve optimal search marketing performance.

Congratulations to the Burlington team of programmers, designers and customer support specialists. You delivered another award winning performance!

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DealerFire Pinnacle Platform Winner

The spirited team at DealerFire has been burning the midnight oil since their award winning performance in 2009 as an ASMA Award Winning Company for Search Marketing. The updates with their Site5 technology are impressive.

DealerFire’s updates to their website platform and their attention to detail allow their company to rise to the top of the automotive website provider rankings. The Wisconsin based team at DealerFire impressed many of our review team with their attractive website designs and powerful search results.

We are also pleased to see that DealerFire is opening their backend management tools to allow third party SEO companies to update Page Titles and META tags. In the past, SEO updates were managed by their support team, and their success shows that they understand how to optimize their client sites.

In the past year, we have had the privilege of hearing from DealerFire customers who rave about their excellent customer support services. That praise combined with their excellence in Search Marketing technology demonstrates why DealerFire is truly “on fire” in the automotive website community.

This year their platform has been enhanced with integrated modules and components to make content page creation fast, simple and effective for search. As dealers realize the importance of content publishing on their website, DealerFire customers will have ample choices with their integrated WordPress blog and page creation tools.

The DealerFire Site5 technology has strong integration with video and PDF technology. I liked the fact that dealers can automatically integrate PDF brochures of their cars and upload them into content publishing sites like SlideShare.

The mobile technology vision that DealerFire presented, as well as their mobile integration with their website, was impressive. It will be interesting to watch if consumers utilize the SMS/Text to Mobile feature on car inventory pages. During our presentation, we clicked on a car that I liked on their demo website, and it texted me a link which brought up an attractive mobile page for that car.

Congratulations to DealerFire for winning an AWA two years in a row! We hope to see more impressive updates to your technology next year.

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TK CarSites Pinnacle Platform Winner

We welcome TK Carsites back to the awards podium as one of two companies that have received dual awards in 2009 and once again in 2010.

TK CarSites has won the 2010 AWA Pinnacle Platform Award For Search Marketing and also an AWA For Website Technology – Best Search Marketing Strategy.

TK Carsites continues to “wow” the AWA review committee with their impressive organic search results fueled by their Power of 5 Technology. With Google Page One results under attack from so many different parties, it is clear that TK Carsites has a unique answer for car dealers.

With the Power of 5, car dealers get four additional websites optimized for their dealership name, market, or the services they offer. As fixed operations SEO comes into the spotlight in 2011,TK Carsites already has a solution that has demonstrated how to attract more service leads.

When dealers finally understand that a single website cannot effectively dominate search results for a broad list of popular keywords, the TK Carsites solution will gain in momentum.

With extra digital assets at a dealer’s control, you can understand why TK Carsites is a dual award winner for Search Marketing excellence. Next year a ground-up rebuild of their website technology is due and we look forward to testing this new version from a perennial search marketing giant.

Congratulations to the TK Carsites team for providing not only a platform that was built for search but for implementing effective tagging on dealership website pages to help them increase direct traffic.

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VinSolutions Pinnacle Platform Winner continues to expand the functionality and features of their website platform and the results speak for themselves.

Last year VinSolutions received an 2009 ASMA Award for Industry Leadership in Search Marketing and once again their website architecture was found to among the best in the industry.

VinSolutions also has the distinction of being one of three companies to be a dual award winner in 2010. The company also received the 2010 AWA Website Technology Award for Best Integrated Website Platform.

Their latest platform shows their focus on organic search marketing as intermediate search results pages have proper page titles and tags. Since inventory pages are the most widely used, when a consumer shops, optimizing all combinations of choices off the home page has helped improve dealers’ search visibility.

The VinSolutions car detail pages also demonstrate their knowledge of the importance of geo-targeting and local search. Each car detail page can target three local cities to increase local search visibility. Performing a search for “2006 Hummer H3 Plainview” or “2006 Hummer H3 Brownfield” brings a VinSolutions dealership inventory prominently on Page One. Not many platforms have this geo-targeting automated on inventory listing pages.

The administrative tools for the platform make it easy to add new content pages or update the page titles and META data on any existing page. The platform also has automated content creation features that leverage service repair orders to generate geo-targeted content; an interesting twist.

In addition to their Search marketing excellence, the VinSolutions platform provides an impressive set of integrated tools from inventory management, CRM and reporting. This integration avoids the loss of important customer analytics data as they move through the sales process.

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Peak Performance Winners

The five companies that were selected this year to receive the Peak Performance award stood above the larger field of automotive website companies for Search Marketing architecture.

These companies fell short of the points needed for Pinnacle Platform recognition but their technology platforms are ahead of the larger marketplace and deserve serious consideration. To be in the top 10 companies that provide websites to car dealers is an honor in and of itself.

This year we are proud to welcome four companies that did not receive an award last year. Some have made major improvements over the past year and others have just continued to refine their industry leading technology.

One of the opportunities that these companies have for next year is to continue to refine their search marketing targeting on live dealership websites. Having great technology and well implemented SEO tagging is the Pinnacle of success.

We are proud to recognize the 2010 AWA Peak Performance Award winners for Search Marketing, in alphabetical order:


Dealer HD

DealerTrend *



The five companies listed above represent outstanding choices for increasing a dealer’s search engine marketing visibility and lead generation capability. Each company has its unique features and platform advantages. We encourage you to investigate them when you are seeking a new platform in the future.

* Indicates that this company was a 2009 ASMA Award Winner

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ClickMotive Peak Performance Winner

ClickMotive websites impressed our review panel with their compliance for our Search Marketing benchmarks.

This is the first time ClickMotive is being presented with an AWA and the first time we have taken a close look at their technology platform.

The company takes a different approach on the design of their inventory pages. Their sub-directory structure is not traditional but effective. It will be a topic of further research to see why they chose the path they did in creating a deeper listing tree than most companies.

Their website static page titles were clean and to the point which has helped the website pages to perform well in our testing. It is clear that ClickMotive has implemented a proven process for delivering websites that are search optimized.

Since our team did not have the benefit of a detailed presentation from their team, we congratulate them on the positive result from our AWA review process.

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Dealer HD Peak Performance Winner

DealerHD websites impressed our review panel with compliance on our Search Marketing benchmarks and the Google search results presented by their inventory module.

This is the first time DealerHD is being presented with an AWA and the first time we have taken a close look at their website technology.

The company’s inventory pages index very strong. In the case of the highly competitive Chicago market, search authority is needed for a common search like “2008 BMW 328i Chicago”.

The DealerHD car detail page for BMW of Schererville is the only BMW dealer or for that matter, OEM dealer to show on the page.

The website static page titles we reviewed had many examples of smart geo-targeting so their internal team understands the fundamentals of good search engine optimization strategies.

Since our team did not have the benefit of a detailed presentation from their team, we congratulate them on the positive result from our AWA review process.

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DealerTrend Peak Performance Winner

We congratulate DealerTrend once again this year as an award winning website platform for Automotive Search Marketing.

Last year DealerTrend won the 2009 ASMA Award for Industry Leadership and their design team has not rested on their laurels. This year the DealerTrend websites we tested continue to expand and innovate with WordPress technology.

DealerTrend is the leader in creating fully functional, search compliant automotive websites based on the WordPress open source platform. As content publishing catches on with car dealers, the ease of use and global support of WordPress puts DealerTrend in a unique place in the industry.

DealerTrend car inventory pages use all the styling tricks you would expect from a platform designed for search marketing, which include powerful breadcrumb links and a well-organized directory tree. By clicking on each breadcrumb link you will see that every intermediate page is carefully optimized for search.

Since our team did not have the benefit of a detailed presentation from their team, we congratulate them on the positive result from our AWA review process and winning a search-marketing award for the second year in a row.

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MJMI Internet Peak Performance Winner

This is the first time that PCG Digital Marketing has formally reviewed MJMI websites and to our surprise they are also based in New Jersey.

We did not have much experience with MJMI websites in the past so when the AWA review team analyzed their customer search results it caught us off guard.

Congratulations to Jeff Bonnell and the design team at MJMI for creating a powerful search compliant website platform that is providing car dealers with impressive search authority. Their inventory structures are clean and focused delivering impressive search visibility.

A search on “2005 Nissan Altima Brockton” shows the MJMI inventory page in the top position of Google Page One and such searches are examples of the SEO architecture and power of their platform.

We welcome MJMI into the elite group of website companies that are delivering outstanding Search Marketing platforms that can assist car dealers to sell more cars and remain competitive in a crowded marketplace.

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XIGroup Peak Performance Winner

It is a pleasure to recognize XIGroup with the 2010 AWA For Search Marketing. Their investment to rebuild their platform into a Search Marketing powerhouse has been rewarded.

XIGroup not only invested in a major platform upgrade since the 2009 AWA Awards, they were able to complete that task in time for our review process. Our review team was extremely impressed with their technology and feature set during our two-hour formal presentation.

The latest platform makes it easy for a dealer to edit and update all page titles and META descriptions. The platform has a robust page creation tool and editor so anyone familiar with WordPress will find it easy to create search optimized content pages.

The backend administrative interface was well designed and considering the hundreds of settings available to make their website effective for a local search marketing, we found them intuitive and manageable.

XIGroup took a unique approach to inventory detail pages, which places the year at the end of the make and model description in the page URL. However, the titles on the car detail pages followed the traditional Year, Make, Model, and City pattern used by many successful search-marketing winners.

When we conducted a search for “2010 Mazda CX-7 Turnersville” the inventory module showed it is well respected by the search engines for new cars and equally as effective for “2008 Mazda CX-7 Turnersville”.

We look forward to seeing this new version of XIGroup technology have more field-testing, but from what we can see, this is a dramatic upside improvement for dealers on the XIGroup technology.

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Phoenix Award

Three companies were selected this year to receive the Phoenix Award. They have released an impressive redesign of their website technology that will result in significant performance, features, and functionality gains for their customers.

In the case of Dealerskins, many had thought that the once former “flash” star website platform was being abandoned and left to die slowly on the vine. However, the fact is that the Dealerskins team was busy creating an impressive platform that excelled in many of our search marketing tests while creating a bridge for their existing clients.

Due to the time constraints of the formal review process and the ability to see multiple live client websites that are utilizing the latest technology, we could not include them in the Pinnacle or Peak award groupings. BZ Results, Dealerskins, Reynolds & Reynolds are examples of platforms that would have benefited from the review processing being a few months later.

Phoenix award winning platforms will be a force to be reckoned with in 2011. These technology and design teams impressed us so much that we wanted to recognize their great strides to create the next generation of powerful website platforms.

We are proud to recognize the 2010 AWA Phoenix winners for Search Marketing, in alphabetical order:

BZ Results


Reynolds & Reynolds

We expect to see these three companies in the 2011 AWA submission process with dealership examples that have matured over the coming year with strong results for our review team to confirm. In the case of these three companies, the formal two-hour review process was instrumental in educating our team on the latest platform features and planned rollout schedules.

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PCG Non-Compliant Search Marketing Vendors

Car dealers reading this report who are looking for guidance in regards to selecting strong search marketing platforms have ten strong companies to choose from and who deliver competitive solutions today.

From our research there are also a number of companies that do not provide PCG search compliant websites as outlined by Google, industry experts, and the PCG review team. Automotive SEO 101 says that website pages should include unique Page Titles and META descriptions.

This is especially important for car inventory pages. If a website does not comply with best practices for Automotive SEO, dealers can have websites with hundreds of duplicate Page Titles and META descriptions. This is a negative event for a car dealer and identified as a problem to be remedied in Google Webmaster Tools.

Despite published articles on the important of these two factors, website vendors are still producing website that do not meet these basic PCG standards. In the 2010 AWA research for Search Marketing, the platforms listed below failed to meet the SEO basics of Unique Page Titles and META Descriptions for car dealer inventory pages we inspected:

All Auto Network Auto Lot Manager Dealer Peak Dealer Specialties Fresh Input K3 Automotive My Dealer Biz

Potratz Partners Promaxonline Pure Dealer Search Optics Wilson Software World Dealer

These 13 website providers utilize inventory listing modules that in our opinion are not giving car dealers the best opportunity to attract organic search results and consumers shopping by year, make or model.

If these website providers create sites for Google Adwords campaign only, then this criticism does not apply. However, lack of Google compliance in regard to inventory listing pages implies outdated website technology and marketing strategies.

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AWA For Website Design

In 2010 we created three areas of excellence for automotive website design which is just the start of where the design awards program will be in future years. In 2010, we accepted recommendations from industry members and consumers for their choice of best-designed websites.

Website design must be also measured in regards to the Google Analytics and lead behavior for the design. An artistic design may in fact negatively impact the ability for a dealer to convert traffic into leads and sale.

Once we narrowed down our list of car dealer websites, we requested copies of the Google Analytics data for the last 90 days to see how each design impacted consumer usage of the dealer website. Looking at metrics, like average page views, time on site, and lead capture are important metrics impacted by design.

In regards to the OEM and Independent Automotive Shopping websites where we did not have access to analytics, the awards were based on consumer survey data and the scores of our design review team.

The winners in each category are listed below:

Dealership Website –

OEM Website –

Independent Automotive Shopping Website -

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Best Designed Dealership Website -

We congratulate eCarList and Park Place for being selected as the best designed automotive dealership website. The site had the highest cumulative point scores from our review panel. In particular, the design communicated a luxury brand feel and the navigational elements and inventory research tools all reinforced this common luxury feel.

This aspect of the judging process was extremely challenging since there are many approaches in design for a dealership website. Next year we will be expanding our design awards for car dealership website the recognize the diversity of needs and markets.

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Best Designed OEM Website -

The panel of design judges we invited from local universities joined the PCG review team to select the best car manufacturer websites and it was a challenging task.

In the end two websites came down to the final judging: and

After the initial "wow' factor for visual design elements, which Scion had an edge, we tested basic features like "build a car" and "dealer locator" tools.

The asked permission to download a software tool which must hurt conversion and could cause consumers to abandon the build process. Overall performance was slow as the website loaded data from the Amazon cloud. The build feature and locate a dealer function was a bit cumbersome as we tested functionality.

On the Jeep website the build a car feature was well designed. What impressed us the most was after a vehicle was configured, it showed the cars that matched the build in local dealer inventory.

With one click the consumer can be taken to a local dealers actual inventory detail pages. This is what all OEM websites should offer which is great for driving consumers deep into local

dealers inventory pages.

We congratulate the website design team that created as they have been selected to receive a 2010 AWA For Website Design.

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Best Designed Independent Automotive Website

It is well known that consumers use a combination of online automotive website when researching the purchase of a new or used car. Our goal this year was to determine which websites consumers most frequently use and then to evaluate these sites for design.

The 2010 AWA for Design in this category uses data from a PCG online survey and feedback from our design review panel. Results of the survey included:

51% of those surveyed said that they go to manufacturer websites FIRST when shopping for a new car. Their second choice was (8%).

The top three choices for consumers when they want to research a new or used car are (16%), (15%), and a Local Dealer website (13%)

29% of those surveyed said that they would go to FIRST when they were shopping for a USED car. Their second choice was a virtual three-way tie with,, and receiving 7% of the votes each.

Consumers survey are four times more likely to visit FIRST when shopping for a used car over the next closest competitor.

42% of those surveyed said that their #1 factor for rating a consumer automotive shopping website their top choice was its ease of navigation. The second most important factor was price comparison tools (22%). has been selected to receive the 2010 AWA For Design naming it the Best Independent Automotive Website.

Our review panel found the website easy to navigate, well designed, and feature rich. The consumers and members of the industry we surveyed also scored with high marks.

We congratulate the website design team for creating a brand destination that consumers prefer to use to shop for used cars more than any other website on the Internet.

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AWA For Website Technology

In 2010, we recognized three companies for excellence in automotive website technology. Next year we will be expanding our technology review to include:

CRM Technology Chat Technology Mobile Technology

In 2010, we accepted recommendations from industry members on their favorite website technology companies. In addition to the companies that were suggested, the PCG review team also submitted companies for consideration.

The 2010 AWA for Website Technology winners are listed below:

Best Online Advertising Tool

Total Control Dominator

Best Search Marketing Strategy TK Carsites Power of 5

Best Integrated Dealership Website

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Best Online Advertising Tool - TCD

We are pleased to recognize with a 2010 AWA for Website Technology for the Total Control Dominator (TCD) platform. Chief Architect Eric Mayhew and the development team should raise their glasses and toast to their success.

The TCD software tool is the most advanced management interface for paid search advertising on Google, Yahoo and Bing. TCD manages Google Adwords campaign more efficiently and intuitively than Google’s tools. The savings in campaign set up time and management with TCD can easily justify the cost of the product let alone the impact of increased car sales through direct integration of a dealer’s inventory.

TCD is Online Advertising on Steroids. TCD can be set to automatically generate targeted online advertising on all major search engines based on new and used cars that are in stock. Want to add business rules that launch ads based on the number of days a car sits in inventory? No problem.

As OEM incentives are automatically loaded into the SmartSites™ platform, paid search ads can be generated to promote these specials and send customers to optimized landing pages. Creating these ad campaigns manually is time consuming so in reality, they never get implemented at the dealer level.

What was most impressive was the user interface that provides an executive dashboard summarizing all live campaign and marketing goals. For employees that need more detail, the TCD “drill down” interface provides multiple levels of data and reporting.

In short, the most advanced Adwords user will find that TCD will never hold them back. In fact TCD gives the advanced marketing professional more data mining and demographic tools than going solo. TCD also helps to increase one of the three elements of a dealer’s POD Score; defense against paid search attacks.

Many companies claim to own a technology solution that will move the needle and increase a dealer’s bottom line. A large percentage of car dealers do not use paid search efficiently and often ship that function off to a third party.

Of all investments that existing customers could make this year, the best would be to launch an effective TCD campaign. Dealers, who are not on the platform, and strong advocates of paid search, owe it to themselves to see TCD in action.

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Best Search Marketing Strategy- TK Power of Five

In the past year TK Carsites has made a number of positive changes that have improved their website technology, market pricing, and company leadership. At the same time, their Power of Five technology could not be more relevant for car dealers today.

Over the past year, TK Carsites has rolled out a portion of their new technology platform which eliminates the high costs of custom flash designed websites with a full release due in Q1 of 2011.

Dealers will be pleased to know that this technology shift has reduced the price of TK Carsites websites. In fact, their award winning Power of Five package, offers an attractive price point with an award winning strategic edge.

This live search results created by the Power of Five technology is why we are presenting TK Carsites with a 2010 AWA for Website Technology.

Car dealers’ local search visibility and Page One results are increasingly under attack from independent websites, competitors, unfriendly review websites, and OEM sanctioned promotions. We are awarding TK Carsites with an award for their technology because never before have dealers needed additional search marketing assets to defend their primary market area

With five targeted websites, TK Carsites deliver multiple channels that consumers can find when they search for a dealership or the services they offer. Microsites are not unique to TK Carsites, but the manner in which TK implements the local search marketing strategy is what makes them a formidable opponent.

In this AWA whitepaper we introduced the concept of POD Score and its measurement to advise dealers how their advertising budget returns are being impacted when a consumer searches for their name. A low POD Score indicates that their advertising budget Internet traffic is being diverted to competitors.

The TK Power of 5 technology helps to increase the Page One Defense for one of the three elements in the score; control of organic listings. We congratulate TK Carsites for their willingness to break from the mold and deliver outstanding Search Marketing results.

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Best Integrated Website Platform - VinSolutions

In the past few years has taken bold steps to increase the features and functionality of their technology platform for car dealers. Their corporate website refers to their full product line as innovative Dealership Marketing System and that appears to be a correct description.

Last year we were handed a one-page checklist, which VinSolutions’ marketing team created, asking dealers to check off all the vendors they use to run their dealership. The checklist was a bold move, a bit co*cky, but brilliant in the fact that it forced a dealer to add up all the software companies, services, and technology they have contract with.

The checklist then asked the dealer to put their monthly price tag next to each service provider and add up the total monthly costs. The line items included inventory photos and management, ILM, CRM, desking, DMS, website, online service appointments, credit applications, call blasts, surveys, e-mail campaigns, and more.

The exercise was created to communicate just how many features are integrated into the VinSolutions Dealership Marketing System. Our review team had the opportunity to see how these many parts worked together in the VinSolutions backend. We were very impressed how the data flowed through the system, giving dealers a rich dataset for analysis and customer behavioral testing.

Our review team has been exposed to many website platforms this year and have come to understand their feature sets. We concluded that dealers would be interested in savings money by reducing the number of vendors needed to run their dealership if the net results were more productive and a fatter bottom line.

Change is often an emotional conflict because many dealerships love a particular CRM tool or desking product and so a move to a single vendor solution meets with resistance. However, dealers who are looking for a new CRM system may be well advised to look at the impressive collection of software and tools offered by VinSolutions.

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Technology Reviews by Brian Pasch

During the review process, automotive website vendors had the opportunity to schedule a two hour presentation of their website technology for the PCG Digital Marketing team.

These presentations were not required for consideration for an AWA. In fact, a number of our award winners did not take this option.

As part of the post review process, Brian Pasch created articles based on his first impressions of the technology presented.

Official AWA Website - Your Source For Website Reviews

These articles were shared on the review website and on Brian’s personal blogs.

These articles capture some additional elements of selected vendor platforms that car dealers might consider as part of a purchasing decision. These articles have been included in this year's AWA whitepaper for your review.

Edits to the articles have been made to reflect that they are included in this whitepaper and that the 2010 AWA presentation has been made.

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2010 AWA Whitepaper – © PCG Digital Marketing Page 127 Automotive Advertising Platform Breaks New Ground By Brian Pasch, originally posted on 09-02-2010

I had the opportunity to participate in a two-hour review of the latest features in the platform in August and it is clear that the development team in Vermont has been busy. Last year was a 2009 ASMA Awards dual award winner so this year they had big shoes to fill. They did not disappoint our review team. It is hard to improve on a product that has so many strengths but Rick Gibbs, CEO of, has managed to inspire his team to greatness. One of the highlights of the presentation was the demonstration given by Eric Mayhew who is the chief architect behind their TCD Platform (Total Control Dominator). The TCD platform is truly one of the most important automotive advertising tools that car dealers can utilize for digital marketing success. TCD is best described as a car dealer’s personalized digital advertising dashboard. TCD directly communicates with Google, Yahoo and Bing paid advertising networks so car dealers can adjust Pay-Per-Click budgets and targets without being a Digital Marketing Geek.

TCD is Google Adwords on steroids!

(If I had to rename the product I would call it Total Competitor Domination.)’s TCD digital advertising platform takes business operating rules and translates them into actionable tasks in Google, Yahoo and Bing paid advertising networks. One rule could be to advertise all off-make used cars as soon as they come into stock. Another rule could be to start a weekend advertising campaign, which offers a $2,000 reduction off of MSRP on select new models starting at 5:00 PM on Friday. Google Adwords out of the box is not designed for the average Internet Sales Manager to operate proficiently and in many cases; self-managed Adwords campaigns can be very costly to dealers.

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In the screen shot above, a dealership executive or Internet Sales Manager can easily see their current cost per lead and current balance. Need to make a change? Slide the $ button to increase or decrease spending. The Marketing Focus panel allows high-level adjustments of spending by marketing focus. Do you want to increase the distribution of spending in your current budget to include “Used Vehicles”? Simply click on stars 1 - 5 to activate those keyword goals.

Innovative Phone Number Tracking has integrated phone number tracking with all Pay-Per-Click campaigns. You may not be impressed by that fact since other companies offer similar services. However, takes it to the next level by scraping all pages on the dealer’s website that has a phone number and replacing it with the PPC tracking number. This includes all custom text content pages created by the dealership staff or advertising agency that may have embedded different phone numbers. This creates more accurate PPC campaign metrics so more calls can be attributed to their true source of visitor engagement. What is brilliant with TCD is that once campaigns are setup, these high level executive controls can really keep the dealer engaged with digital advertising success. I could write a 20-page report on the unique benefits of TCD but that is not the focus of this overview. Suffice to say that clients have a distinct advantage in automotive digital advertising if they choose to leverage the power of TCD.

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Automated Integration of Dealer Inventory

TCD is the leader in integrated car inventory management that is seamlessly connected to Google Adwords as well as Yahoo and Bing PPC services. Pay Per Click advertisem*nts can utilize information in the dealers DMS about any new or used car in stock. (See graphic below) Dealers who use PPC campaigns for used cars will save significant setup time if they compare the time it takes to create campaigns for individual used cars.

Behind these well-designed executive level controls is an amazing drill down user interface that can control every detail of a Google Adwords campaign from inside TCD. In the graphic above, dealers can decide what time slots to allocate their paid advertising dollars. This panel also provides check boxes to turn on or off their powerful integrated inventory advertising features. Other automotive website providers can operate Google Adwords from inside their administrative panel but offer little in terms of user interface and integrated business intelligence rules.

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Page 130 has even enhanced the Google Adwords platform by adding new geo-targeting functionality that even Adwords does not provide. Dealer’s ability to create custom advertising “bands” could not be easier with the custom interface provided by TCD. What this means to potential critics is that TCD does not “dummy-down” Adwords so proficient PPC experts will not be held back.

It is hard to capture my excitement for the TCD platform because there is nothing on the market more perfectly designed for car dealers who believe in paid digital advertising, aka Pay-Per-Click (PPC). I tip my hat to Eric Mayhew, TCD’s chief architect, because not too many people can claim that they reinvested Adwords functionality for the automotive industry. One more kicker that Eric added to TCD put a smile on my face. looks at the top organic search phrases that bring consumers to a dealer’s website and that produce leads. If these keywords are not in the current Adwords campaigns, they can be automatically added. Slick! Those that don’t believe in the benefits of PPC will be out of business shortly. Why? Because Automotive SEO strategies cannot place a car dealer on Google Page One for broad search terms like “Toyota Camry,” “Used Cars,” or “BMW Dealer.” As long as consumers continue to use broad search phrases, dealers will need to invest in Pay-Per-Click advertising campaigns to stay on Google Page One.

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Managing OEM Incentives announced a new integrated Incentives Manager package after the 2009 ASMA Study was completed. This month we had the opportunity to drill down into the features of this add-on product. Car dealer websites are notorious for having “specials” pages blank and clumsy integration of manufacturer incentives. Normally, these incentives are not listed on inventory pages where consumers spend the majority of their time on a car dealer website. Go figure! With Incentives Manager, dealers can leverage direct incentives data streams to their dealership website. These incentives can be controlled to integrate with car inventory listing pages as well as car detail pages. Attempting to integrate incentives manually is impossible and that is why this feature is a great value to customers. Since consumers “shop price” as part of their online purchasing decision, having the lowest price in real-time can make a big difference in lead volume. Not to dwell on the TCD platform again, but can also take the real-time OEM incentives and create PPC campaigns that advertise their current programs. This is another innovation that is groundbreaking and a time saver for dealers who like to advertise OEM incentive programs and be first to market. Automotive SEO Architecture

Once again, the administrative management tools show careful consideration to the skill levels of car dealer employees. The user interface to change SEO Page Titles and META tags continues to be a breeze. One of the nicer elements of editing pages in is that once you are in editing mode, you can navigate through the website using the same menus that visitors use. This may not seem important but it is a time saver. Try matching website pages to cryptic back-end file naming conventions and before you know it, you can waste hours of your time.

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The Page Builder tools continue to grow with more widgets (see graphic on right) to create pages on the fly. The Page Builder tool is intuitive and customers do not need to call technical support to create a blank page to edit. One limitation in the current version of the software is that custom pages cannot be placed more than two levels down in the navigation tree. Content is King

Consumers search for answers and recommendations for the questions that are top of mind and car dealers need to build content on their websites to meet this need. has a multi-pronged approach to adding content; video blogging, integrated car reviews, and consumer reviews. The video blogging feature creates optimized blog pages for each car in stock with unique text and META tags based on the audio script for the vehicle. This feature creates a large number of content pages that are indexed by Google which has many benefits from an SEO perspective. Consumers who purchase a car from a dealer can add their comments on the car that they purchased. will compile and leverage these positive consumer comments on similar cars in stock. Over time, this feature will allow car inventory pages to have more content and targeted keywords to increase the authority of their website pages. This is another example of’s leadership in applying proven Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies.

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2010 AWA Whitepaper – © PCG Digital Marketing Page 133 offers a blog with their base platform, which is a customized WordPress installation. This was also added after last year’s ASMA Awards. This move further reinforces the automotive industry’s growing love affair with content building tools. I’ve been preaching that all dealers need to have content writers as part of their advertising budget.’s latest platform offers many ways to leverage content writers and third party SEO companies. Fixed Operations Marketing

Lastly, and DriverSide made an announcement in April 2010, which an excerpt has been included below:

The two companies are partnering in an exclusive agreement to launch a series of products for new and used car franchises, the first of which will add robust fixed-ops content to’s industry leading platform. A full line up of further Fixed Operations and service marketing products will follow in coming months.

We agree with that the next area of opportunity for car dealers is in Fixed Operations SEO and digital marketing. has tightly integrated customer data into their product offering for targeted direct marketing. The Fixed Operations package can also be integrated into TCD to drive more service revenue via PPC. Summary

We look forward to testing the new content management features in the latest platform as part of the 2010 ASMA Study. The product development team at should be recognized for not resting on the laurels and delivering a cutting edge product. Bravo! Dealers searching for a well-integrated digital advertising platform that masters Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing and integrates a powerful Search Engine Optimization (SEO) infrastructure should get a demo of this stellar performer.

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VinSolutions Delivers a Comprehensive Digital Marketing Platform By Brian Pasch originally posted on 9-15-2010

The PCG Digital Marketing team was given the opportunity to see the latest features and functionality of the VinSolutions platform and we were impressed with the breadth and depth of the integration they have achieved over the past year. In 2009 VinSolutions was recognized as one of nine companies to receive the 2009 ASMA Award for Industry Leadership. The VinSolutions Website Platform

VinSolutions is a juggernaut; adding new functionality to their platform at a blinding pace to stay ahead of the competition. The demonstration that we sat through showed our team just how busy VinSolutions developers have been over the past year.

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The first thing that hit our team was the home page design and the ability to configure the page to meet the dealer’s marketing objectives. We liked the way the home page was divided into regions and how simple it was for the dealer to change the home page banner and calls to action. Since the majority of organic searches deliver consumers to the home page, the VinSolutions design templates seek to direct traffic to the right place with the least amount of clicks. The home page quick links felt “just right” to satisfy the most common search tasks that consumers have when shopping for a car.

Search Marketing Architecture

Since the 2010 Automotive Website Awards (AWA) will focus on design, technology, and search marketing, we took extra time to delve into the foundations of our work which is the Automotive SEO architecture of the website. We were pleased to see strong URL designs for all pages on their website and their inventory detail pages were some of the best that we have reviewed this year. Hats off to the VinSolutions design team. One of the most exciting developments to witness was how each car detail page was targeting up to three local cities. We are a firm believer that car dealership websites need to be optimized for the key towns in their PMA. The VinSolutions inventory module was ahead of its peers in achieving an automated solution for targeting multiple local communities for search. We also liked the clean design of the car detail pages, which are the primary pages, visited by ready to buy consumers. Where VinSolutions broke new ground was to integrate customer sales and service data to automatically create website pages optimized for the town where the customer lives.

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This was a very impressive content feature and has powerful potential for content publishing. Without any extra effort from the dealer, content pages can be created that target popular geo-based keywords for sales and service for cities that surround the dealership.

VinSolutions Mobile Integration

VinSolutions also demonstrated an attractive mobile application, which was easy to navigate, and integrated with their backend CRM tools. The VinSolutions development team has been hard at work to create a seamless consumer shopping experience, whether they choose to access a dealers website via their mobile device or desktop computer. One of the strongest aspects of the VinSolutions digital marketing platform is that it is a complete end-to-end software suite. VinSolutions provides software and technology that starts with the dealer’s ability to photograph their inventory and load it in real-time all the way through the lead management, sales, and customer service. VinSolutions Summary

VinSolutions is a comprehensive website platform that stands alone in its ability to deliver an integrated digital marketing solution for car dealers. Automotive retailers who seek the simplicity of having a single point of contact for their digital marketing needs will find that VinSolutions has the potential to make them smile.

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Dealerskins Cuts Legacy Flash Anchor And Rises To New Heights By Brian Pasch originally posted on 09-16-2010

Once the industry darling of automotive websites, back when car dealers raced to purchase Flash based websites, Dealerskins has had a challenge recently re-energizing their brand. In fact you might say that the company has been laying low for the past year and I think I understand why. Over the past two years I have witnessed the industry move away from 100% Flash websites and this has impacted Dealerskins’ cutting edge moniker. In the early days of Flash based websites, the Adobe technology was a hindrance for obtaining strong organic search visibility. In effect, the original Dealerskins Flash websites were not easily optimized using proven Automotive SEO strategies. In the past, my reviews of the Dealerskins platform from an SEO perspective have not been flattering to say the least. Today, I will be the first to raise a toast to the website “Phoenix” that has risen with renewed focus that will surprise its former critics. This bird is hungry and hunting! Existing Dealerskins clients are in for a nice surprise and according to company executives; Dealerskins has a great new story to tell! Moving Towards A Primary HTML Platform

The first point to acknowledge is Dealerskins’ willingness to rebuild their CMS platform and technology while keeping their existing customers in business and thriving. That is not an easy task! The platform that we reviewed in August is a bridge to their full Content Management System (CMS) release that will be announced in the coming months. The development team at Dealerskins should be congratulated. Their current hybrid Flash and HTML platform actually performed better in our search marketing architecture analysis this year than many of their peers. In short, this is NOT your parent’s Oldsmobile.

Automotive Inventory Optimization

The current Dealerskins website technology fixed the biggest complaint that I had in the past; their inventory module was practically invisible to the search engines and not in conformance with my SEO best practices.

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The new Dealerskins platform has optimized website pages for every car in inventory with unique page titles and META descriptions for each car. I also liked their breadcrumb menu on each inventory page shown below:

You can see an example of their new inventory page by visiting this link for a 2009 Volkswagen Routan. The final version of their optimized inventory technology will be unveiled in their next CMS release but the current version is performing very well in our testing. I would like to see more car details integrated into the inventory URL string.

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In an interesting balancing act, the Dealerskins design team kept the Flash navigation menus to add some sizzle while adding HTML navigation links and editable text areas on key website pages. In the near future, the Dealerskins homepage will be 100% Flash free which will resolve any complaints of operating systems that are not Flash friendly. The addition of HTML content pages will also increase the search visibility for existing Dealerskins customers. According to the company, approximately 50% of their existing customers have been converted to the new platform. Website Administrative Tools Lagging For Content

The administrative tools for car dealers do not currently allow dealers to add their own content pages on the fly. A call to customer support will create as many blank pages that a dealer needs and then a dealer can add or edit content. In the final version of the platform, more robust content editing tools and a blog are scheduled to be included. As car dealer focus more on content writing in 2011, a robust content publishing platform will be a requirement for success. The Dealerskins platform includes their own analytics technology that provides an independent audit for car dealers who have hired third party companies to run their Adwords or SEO campaigns. Their development team addressed a common concern of dealers who are paying thousands of dollars a month only to trust their vendors are being truthful about traffic, clicks and lead reports they send. Marketing Intelligence and SEO Ranking Tools

The Dealerskins team also demonstrated some of their impressive digital marketing tools which included built-in SEO ranking reports and something that dealers should look at called the “Psychic Sales Tool” (PST). The tool shows dealers all the pages and cars that the consumer visited on the Dealerskins website prior to submitting a lead. PST gives the dealer more information about any shopper before they contact them.

HTML 5 Mobile Sites

Dealerskins has also created attractive mobile websites that are based on the new HTML 5 standard. You can see their slick mobile technology by visiting from your iPhone. The mobile interface is one of the best that I have seen and very fast.

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The Silence Is Broken

The previous silence from Dealerskins? They were hard at work surveying their customers and getting their new release out the door to customers. Car dealers using the old Dealerskins platform are encouraged to give their account manager a call and see about the upgrade path to this more powerful website technology. Hats off to Dealerskins for moving to address the most immediate needs of their user base. According to the Dealerskins team more features and enhancements are coming, so listen up when your Dealerskins representative calls. SEO pundits will not have the DS dog to kick anymore!

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BZ Results Websites Get A Ground Up Rebuild By Brian Pasch originally posted on 08-24-2010

I’ve said this before, but what a difference a year can make. I just finished a two hour webinar presentation of the new BZ Results platform called Virtual Dealership 2.0 and I am very excited with the platforms openness and new user interface. When Mike McKenzie, Supervisor of Web Design, said that it was a ground up rebuild, he was not joking. This blog post is not a full review of their SEO architecture and search strengths; that will come when we publish the 2010 ASMA Awards and white-paper on October 13, 2010. That said, BZ customers who are on their old platform should know that some great changes are on the way. On of the customers that is using their new platform is Seeger Toyota. BZ Results Creates A Widgitized Platform

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The BZ Results Virtual Dealership 2.0 is a powerful platform that allows dealers to create a fully customized website using simple drag and drop widgets, similar to how WordPress works. Dealers can select from a number of “layouts” ( as shown above) and then within each layout, they can pick a theme. Think of themes as the color palettes and textures that your website can use. For any layout and theme, dealers are presented with a number of universal widgets within the base build and dealers can create as many custom widgets as they like. These widgets are CSS aware so that when they are dropped on to a page, they blend into the color palette and theme. Widget examples are Contact Forms, Maps, Videos, Slideshows, Text Boxes, Inventory Lists, Search Boxes, Specials, Twitter Feeds, RSS Feeds, etc.. Critical widgets like inventory listing modules can be configured to the nth degree. This will allow dealers and marketing professionals to create landing pages that can meet any business need. The widgets for inventory had many customizable features that will make creating PPC landing pages very easy. The process of customizing any existing page or adding a new page is straightforward and all pages can be edited for their SEO Titles, META descriptions and permalinks. This represents a new attitude in BZ Results, which once felt that they had to do everything for the dealer. I like the fact that I can help a BZ customer directly with custom on-site SEO strategies, which in the past I could not do. Today, their new platform is built on empowering the dealer to create a customized customer experience. If the dealer doesn’t have the skills to customize their site, Mike reminded me that BZ has staff to do that work for the dealer. Another nice feature was that dealers could create their own custom forms, slide shows, change navigational menus, and even microsites. Yes, the new platform will launch new microsites on a new domain or sub-domain with simple tools. This will keep all content and technology under one control panel. (Now BZ is gunning at me!)

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BZ Results Provides an Asset Library

As part of the new site architecture, BZ customers can store all their digital assets in a library that can be used in the future. You can see from the Assets list on the right, which BZ has made sure that dealers can easily create, store and reuse their digital assets. Dealers can also store common external and Internet links in the asset library (see Links on right) to use within their websites or as part of their content writing strategies. I liked this feature especially when dealers rely on third party website partners that have cryptic links that may change over time. By storing the link in the asset library, external links can be edited in one central place and be updated site-wide. Another cool feature is that these assets can have a start and end date so that coupons, incentives and web pages can start on a predetermined schedule. BZ Results Virtual Dealership 2.0 Summary

The new BZ automotive website platform is best described as “empowering”. The system is a dramatic change from a closed platform for design and SEO to very open. The design team at BZ has leaped ahead of many competitors in the marketplace on design and flexibility. It will be interesting to see how the site indexes as well as being subjected to our search criteria. In the meantime, if I was a BZ Results customer under a long contract, you should be calling to get your site upgraded.

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XIGroup Websites Hit The Mark And Demand A Closer Look By Brian Pasch posted on 08-31-2010

I may be sounding like a broken record, if anyone remembers vinyl recordings, but the largest companies that service automotive retailers have made major investments in rebuilding their website platforms in the past year.

This is a very promising trend and will make attending the upcoming October automotive conferences critical for any car dealership looking to significantly grow their business in 2011. The XIGroup, owned by Dominion Dealer Solutions, is no exception. The latest XIGroup platform we reviewed showcased many features that will surely please their user community as well as attract new customers. Focus on Data Quality

I was impressed with Joe High, General Manager of XIGroup, who made the presentation because his focus was not the same as other companies that we have reviewed as part of the 2010 ASMA Study. Joe started his presentation with a focus on the quality of data presented on car dealer inventory pages. Inventory pages are the most popular pages used by consumers when visiting a car dealer website. XIGroup has leveraged automotive data from Data One to create what Joe High considers the highest quality car detail data in the industry. You don’t have to look hard to find car dealer website with inaccurate data for options and configuration data by VIN Number. I was also impressed how easy the car detail pages could be configured to give car dealers the ultimate granularity in how their cars are presented online. In the screen shot below, you can see that dozens of features can be turned on or off on a car listing page to make the consumer experience powerful.

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XIGroup Administrative Tools

In fact, this degree of customization is integral in the entire platform. I give XIGroup high marks for their back-end administrative menus on how easy it was to change website features. Some car dealer website platforms have so many features that dealers can get lost in finding configuration settings. The XIGroup administration controls were clean and followed a user interface design that even novices could follow. The menu design is a hybrid between “old-school” menus that dealers like and new navigational aids that the next generation of dealership employees demands. Shown below is one master menu that controls some of the user configuration options:

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One of the most interesting features was their rules based engine. Dealers can quickly update inventory pricing, tags, call-outs, visibility based on business rules. If dealers wanted to add a “special” tag on all cars in inventory over 30 days, that can be done in one click. Dealers who want to take any car out of inventory without waiting overnight for a new feed can do so quickly. The rules based inventory management features will save dealers time when compared to manual editing. Consumer Friendly Car Listing Pages

Another feature of the XIGroup platform is that all car photos can have a custom overlay with the dealer’s information. Photos on a car dealer’s website look so much better when a consistent photo overlay is used. This is branding 101! The XI platform can automatically take plain photos and dress them up with the dealers phone number, website address and logo. The integration of car photos and videos is very smooth and the car detail pages are very clean and attractive. I like that consumers can bookmark cars, save them and create a side-by-side comparison. This feature is useful when consumers find similar new cars in stock that have significantly different prices. The tool can show them how the installed options change their delivered cost. In the screen shot below, you can see where I highlighted in red the two visual navigation controls that are visible on car detail pages:

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XIGroup SEO Functionality

The new XIGroup platform has one of the strongest page editors on the market and gives dealers full control over SEO Page Titles, META Descriptions and Keywords. Their platform allows dealers to create unlimited content pages and these pages can be placed on multi-level nested navigation menus.

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XIGroup is one of a handful of website platforms that offer specific upgraded packages for Automotive SEO. Their offerings to car dealers who want managed SEO include Basic SEO, Enhanced SEO and SEO Elite, which are all priced very reasonably. These packages are what I would consider “On-Site” SEO and on-site optimization is a very important part of the overall success of any car dealer’s website.

XIGroup Websites Summary

In conclusion, XIGroup hit the bull’s-eye for dealer usability and consumer shopping tools. Their new platform does a great job of providing a robust feature set that can be easily controlled by dealership staff; especially those that do not have a technical background. With their mobile platform offering and a new website architecture, XIGroup website technology demands a closer look.

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Reynolds WebmakerX 2.0 Impresses ASMA Review Panel

What a difference a year can make. In the case of Reynolds & Reynolds, that year was well spent re-engineering their website inventory modules to create a product called WebMakerX© 2.0. The process of reviewing car dealer website platforms has started in earnest for the upcoming 2010 ASMA Awards. . Today we had a demonstration of Reynolds & Reynolds latest website

technology. This blog post is not a full review of their technology. However, the thought of a candidate for the “Most Improved Website Platform” award came to our mind. We may create this category this year for the AWA awards as we see how some of the other major players perform based on last years results. If you are a Reynolds client, you may still be on their old platform because according to Joshua Muller, Product Planning Manager, about 25% of their dealer base has been upgraded. If you have not been upgraded, I would place a sales call immediately. After witnessing the upgrades and enhancement to their platform on today’s webinar, it is clear Reynolds took the 2009 ASMA Report seriously. Last year, Reynolds website technology lacked a search optimized inventory module that could be customized by dealers for SEO. Their technology lagged the field and it is clear that the Reynolds Web Solutions team is aiming high this year. Reynolds Creates A Competitive SEO Framework

Their new inventory module in WebMakerX© 2.0 had all the right user interface designs and features to completely optimize their inventory pages. Reynolds has raised the bar this year by being the first vendor I have witnessed who allows dealers to change the SEO Titles, Descriptions and keyword tagging on their dynamic inventory pages. Normally, changes to SEO tags are limited to static pages and changes to inventory pages require a custom programming ticket to be filed.

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In the photo below, you can see that their user interface can change SEO tags on static pages, like most vendor platforms. The new twist is that the dynamic inventory pages (called Vehicle Page-Level Tags by Reynolds) can also be customized which can lead to some serious A/B testing to see which SEO tags work the best. This is very important for dealers who operate in cities with common names that match other cities in the USA or if other dealers share their business name, like “Classic Chevy”.

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Other Improvements

This year Reynolds has added a fully functional WordPress blogging module as a sub-domain of the primary URL. This is a smart decision because it assists dealers with Google Page One Management. The blogging module also allows dealers to use popular plug-ins so the SEO functionality of the blog is not weakened. The page builder tool is very strong editor. I asked the Reynolds team to test our CarPort App JavaScript to see if the editor blocked or changed the code, and it didn’t. The page cleanly displayed a feed of cars which members of the Automotive Advertising Network (AAN) can leverage to advertise their cars on blogs and social media portals. One very slick feature was that the website menus can have up to 4 nested menu levels. The menu nesting is a key feature that is needed for car dealers who plan on heavy content development. Some website platforms limit menus to one level which makes creating dozens or eventually hundreds of content pages messy from a menu standpoint.

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DealerFire Websites Stand Out From The Crowd By Brian Pasch posted on 08-27-2010 I had the opportunity to review the latest enhancements to the DealerFire website platform this week with the presentation coming from company founder Eric Hoopman. Last year DealerFire was one of the nine award winning companies in the 2009 ASMA Study. (download a copy) It is clear that DealerFire has not been resting on their laurels with the amount of new products coming to market and their Engine 5 platform. If we had an award last year for the best graphically designed websites, DealerFire would have been a frontrunner! Our team universally agreed that DealerFire sites stand out from the crowd on their design merits. The consumer facing website controls are well thought out and reduce clicks. Dealers looking to break away from the typical website interface, should take a look at DealerFire technology. Some of the newest updates to popular automotive website platforms include the ability to change designs, colors and page layouts on the fly. DealerFire already has the ability and they have improved on the flexibility of those changes this year. Their core technology has a number of design themes that can be selected and each theme has modules and components that can be used to create customized pages. We were shown many of their new features on their demo site located at:

DealerFire Mobile Leadership

DealerFire has one of the strongest mobile platforms we have seen with SMS / Text to mobile integration and one of the cleanest presentations for the iPad. Car detail pages allow consumers to save the car information to their mobile phone. You can see the call to action box on the right column in the screenshot below. The presentation on my iPhone was very clean. When the dealer calls, this feature makes it easy to discuss the car with data handy in front of the mobile user.

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The team at DealerFire has also embraced social media by releasing Facebook inventory and coupon tabs for Dealer Fan pages. I like the idea that the coupons are synchronized on the website and Facebook. An active Facebook community manager could leverage these coupons nicely online. DealerFire Automotive SEO

In regards to Search Engine Optimization, their backend tools allow full editing of Page Titles and META tags. The administrative tool allows users to drop in Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics Code for full transparency of site data and traffic. The company also strives for full W3C Compliance and has sitemaps for both the text pages and a separate video sitemap.

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Since content is king, DealerFire has chosen to integrate a WordPress into their base website package which is a smart choice. WordPress is the platform that I prefer and the WordPress blog can be configured either as a sub-domain or as a sub-directory. There were a number of features that we thought created a better call to action, specifically I liked the ” adopt a car” feature. Cars in inventory can be assigned to different salespersons so that on a car detail page a photo and phone number appears offering assistance. See screenshot below in the green-boxed area.

Another feature we liked was the ability to show inventory counts by model in the drop-down navigation menus, which can be turned on or off with a click. The website nicely integrates video and has some nice hooks for YouTube users. The team at DealerFire is clearly passionate about their automotive advertising platform and we look forward to putting it to the test with our ASMA evaluation team. Dealer looking for a personalized website and hands on customer service experience, should call over the DealerFire and schedule a presentation.

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TK Carsites Power of Five More Relevant Than Ever Originally posted on 09-29-2010 by Brian Pasch

The AWA review team recently had the opportunity to get a firsthand look at the upcoming TK Carsites technology roadmap as well as some of the new features that will be released in Q1 of 2011. Their new platform will give dealers unlimited design and layout choices, which seems to be a direction that the industry is heading. That said, their current platform was impressive.

It is exciting to see the wave of change that will be coming to automotive websites in 2011 and TK Carsites is part of that Tsunami.

TK Carsites was a dual award winner in the 2009 ASMA Awards and so we were very interested to see how they have improved on their website platform. This article is not a full review of their technology however TK CarSites will be evaluated in the 2010 AWA Whitepaper that will be released on October 12, 2010 when the award winners for Search Marketing, Design and Technology are announced.

Readers of my blog know that in recent weeks the concept of POD Score™ has been developed to place score on the control a dealer has on Google Page One for a search on their name. This score was developed to help car dealers understand the importance of managing Page One results since it impacts all car dealer advertising investments.

We had a chance to see the latest updates and strategies on the TK CarSites Power of Five technology which gives car dealers a primary website and four additional microsites. These microsites can be created to increase fixed ops revenue, used car sales, car financing, or any profit center the dealer wants targeted. Car dealers using the Power of Five technology control more Google Page One listings because all sites are also optimized for the dealer's name.

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A popular example of the Power of Five in action is to conduct a search for "Marlboro Nissan" in Google. In addition to their main TK website appearing one Page One which is, you can also see other TK sites that include,, and The control of Page One is shown below in red:

TK Carsites is not the first to utilize microsites for car dealers but they are the only vendor we reviewed this year that has a pre-packaged microsite solution offered as a standard marketing strategy for car dealers. In this example, Marlboro Nissan controls

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Google Page One with the remaining spots being taken up by the social media accounts, blogs, and their Dealerrater page that show hundreds of positive reviews.

In the past year TK Carsites has continued to update their inventory listing module which is search engine friendly. Years ago TK has a framed inventory solution that was not search engine friendly so for dealers that have not looked at their technology recently, there has been many changes worthy of a second look.

One of the other things that impressed our team was their move away from custom flash sites which has two benefits. One, flash technology is not support on all mobile devices and secondly, it has lowered the costs of TK Carsites products to car dealers. According to TK, their websites which once had a premium for custom flash programming, are now streamlined to give dealers flexibility of design and a much lower cost.

Another feature that we liked on the TK Carsites home page was the ability to have customer banners based on what the consumer searched. For example, if a consumer typed into Google "2010 Altima Boston" and arrives on a TK website, the home page banner can show the dealer's current Altima sales promotion or lease payment. According to TK, this has increased page views and lead conversion by taking consumers right to the offer page and inventory listings.

As we reviewed a number of TK CarSites examples, we found that the navigation was clean and the quote forms required minimal data from a consumer. Studies by PCG Digital Marketing has shown that putting too many fields on quote forms reduces conversion so we liked the simplicity of their website designs and their efficient use of space.

TK Carsites has a reputation of building websites that leverage the power of Automotive SEO strategies to generate unparalleled search visibility . From what we have seen with their current platform, anyone looking to upgrade their Page One visibility should keep TK Carsites on their short list of vendors to call.

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Dealer e-Process Showcases Chat and Video Power Originally posted on 10-5-2010 by Brian Pasch

We had the pleasure of participating in a demonstration of the latest technology from Dealer e-Process in September as part of the AWA review process. In 2009 Dealer e-Process won an ASMA award for their excellence in search marketing and we can confirm that the company has built on that success in 2010.

The presentation of their website technology was expertly orchestrated and a number of features stood out in our minds as best in class. Dealer e-Process impressed upon us their attention to detail, compliance, and focus to create a custom website for dealers. The websites we reviewed show that their goal to create a custom dealership experience was achieved.

Managed Chat Services

Dealer e-Process is a firm believer that dealers should use chat on their website and in fact, they own their own chat technology. A Hyundai dealership using their platform was used to demonstrate the power of chat.

Their live stats for the month on August showed 342 chat leads which was very impressive. Their proprietary chat software, staffing and training is obviously creating significant value for this dealership.

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The administrative reports and lead management tools were clean and easy to use. The chart on the right shows the contribution of their managed chat service in relative performance to traditional lead paths.

Seamless Video Integration For Sales, IRM and HR

The Dealer e-Process website platform was also noted for their tight integration of video. Our review team was impressed how easy it was to upload YouTube videos for customer testimonials, walk-around videos of cars, and salesman profile pages. Video increases engagement and time of a dealer website so we applaud the seamless integration of YouTube in their administrative panel.

In the screenshot below you can see how Dealer e-Process has created a powerful interface for loading customer testimonial videos into live pages on their website

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In this second example, the screenshot shows how easy it is to associate a custom YouTube video with any car in stock.

In this third example, the dealer staffing page comes alive with integrated YouTube videos:

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Social Media Integration

The Dealer eProcess platform also has strong integration points for social media with direct connections of data for Twitter and Facebook. Their "E-Price" theme carries through their website and into their social media designs.

Those who might doubt the power of their "E-Price" call to actions will see that it is the #1 on-site lead form source for most dealers. For this one dealer, the e-price lead forma created 128 leads in one month.

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Dealer e-Process SEO

Their SEO Architecture of their platform will be formally reviewed in the 2010 Automotive Website Awards (AWA) whitepaper but since they won an award last year, we can say that they have continued to improve on their core platform.

Their technical team should be congratulated as we were shown a number of local searches that demonstrated that Google likes their inventory optimization. The platform allows full access to Page Titles and META descriptions so for SEO purposes, we like their open architecture. Dealer e-Process also offers a managed SEO package for car dealers who want to outsource their search optimization.

Automated OEM Incentives and Dealer Specials

Our notes on their platform were extensive as their demonstration walked our team through their slick integration with OEM incentives which will save dealers considerable time. We also liked how the platform made sure that special pages were filled with meaningful data. We have visited too many dealership websites where special pages are blank. Using rules based actions, specials can be programmed into the system without requiring manual intervention.

Content Publishing

The Dealer e-Process platform utilizes WordPress for their blog technology which we applaud. WordPress is both easy to use and supported with hundreds of free plug-ins from developers worldwide. The core platform also has unlimited page creation tools which is vital for dealers who want to compete for organic search visibility.


Dealer e-Process impressed our review team with great focus and attention to detail on all aspects of website design, communication, and conversion. The administrative tools and feature set make them a top contender for dealers looking to change website platforms. Dealers looking for a platform that truly integrates video, chat, and search engine optimization tools should place Dealer e-Process on their short list.

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Automotive Website Vendor Directory A ADP/BZ 888-245-2449 2010 AWA Phoenix Award Winner All Auto Network 866-591-7555 Auto Fusion 800.410.7354 | 858.270.9444 Auto Jini 888-658-9539 Auto Lot Manager 800-357-6841 Auto Revo 888-311-7386 C Click Motive 888-518-5513 2010 AWA Peak Performance Winner Cobalt 888-620-8816

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D Dealer Car Search 502-326-8413 Dealer e-Process 877-551-2555 2010 AWA Pinnacle Platform Winner Dealer Fire 877-828-9719 2010 AWA Pinnacle Platform Winner Dealer HD 866-222-7712 2010 AWA Peak Performance Winner Dealer Impact 877-334-9638 Dealer Peak 866-455-2510 Dealer Specialties 866-315-7615 Dealer Trend 888-357-8763 2010 AWA Peak Performance Winner

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2010 AWA Whitepaper – © PCG Digital Marketing Page 165 888-894-8989 2010 AWA Pinnacle Platform Winner 2010 AWA Technology Winner DealerOn 877-543-4200 DealerSkins 866-664-6203 2010 AWA Phoenix Award Winner E eBizAutos 800-987-3249 eCarlist 866-766-5478 F Fresh Input 253-277-3477 H Higher Turnover 800-430-2119

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I IZMO Cars 866-364-1035 J Jazel Auto 866-529-3555 K K3 Automotive 866-644-7258 L Liquid Motors 877-573-6877 M MJMI 732-382-4000 2010 AWA Peak Performance Winner My Dealer Biz 1-877-887-8874 N Nexteppe 877-572-8892 P PCG Digital Marketing 732-450-8200

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Potratz Partners 866-840-5714 Promaxonline 800-322-9034 Pure Dealer 877-5 PUREDEALER R Reynolds and Reynolds 937-485-2000 2010 AWA Phoenix Award Winner S Search Optics-CA 888-509-9911 SEO Sport 800-991-3560 Smart Web Concepts 888-490-9933

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T TK Carsites 1-800-899-7791 2010 AWA Pinnacle Platform Winner 2010 AWA Technology Winner V Vin Solutions 800-980-7488 2010 AWA Pinnacle Platform Winner 2010 AWA Technology Winner W Wilson Software Corp 941-460-0476 World Dealer 866-485-8800 X XI Group 888-924-6448 2010 AWA Peak Performance Winner 810-225-8350

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.