Digimon All Star Rumble Episode 2 Sneak peak: Reapmon the guardian | Digimon Amino (2025)


This guy comes from the Digimon Fusion, AKA Digimon Xros Wars, and he's not the man to mess around with!


He goes by the name of Reapmon, big whoop!


To help us explain who he is better, joining us today is our super special guest, Shoutmon! The King of the Digital World!


Oh yeah!!! Shoutmon in the house!


It's a pleasure to meet you in person your majesty! I've never seen a small Digimon like you become king before!


Yeah, I know, it's a status that not very many Digimon get. But I guess you could say I'm the king in my dimension, the kings from your world are A-OK!


Can we hurry this along? I can't wait to punch your guardian's lights out!


Okay okay, let's start with the general of this fine Digimon, or in this case, generals...



Digimon All Star Rumble Episode 2 Sneak peak: Reapmon the guardian | Digimon Amino (1)

From left to right: Angie, Mikey, Jeremy.


Here we have Mikey, Angie and Jeremy, the first three people I've ever met, and they lead the team known as the Fusion Fighters, or alternatively, Xros Heart.


Wow, an entire team of humans and Digimon working together! That's incredible!


Okay, which one has Beelzemon?


Um.... To be honest, we're currently taking turns with all the Digimon. Ever since Digimon Hunters, Angie and Jeremy both rely on Beelzemon and I to digifuse along with the others, so basically he has 3 generals.


Oh! Tell us more about the Fusion Fighters!


I wish I could, but that's going off topic, it's time to introduce you to one of the strongest members of our team!


Digimon All Star Rumble Episode 2 Sneak peak: Reapmon the guardian | Digimon Amino (2)



Meet Reapmon! The Ultimate form of Beelzemon!


Ultimate level? Hey Impmon, how come you can't turn into Reapmon?


How the heck should I know he existed to be some leveled down version of that guy!?


Relax you two, he comes from a different continuity. Impmon gained just the Beelzemon form from that Caturamon right?


Well yeah, and I regret nothing about it!


That means the rest of your evolution line is completely unknown. But maybe you should've learned to digivolve normally like I did, it makes you stronger.


Well don't blame me, evolution was slow at the time!


Okay. Back to the topic at hand, Reapmonis a Demon Man Digimon once known as the "Mysterious Assassin"of theBagra Army. He is aReaper, and one of the Bagra Army's nobility, and the original form of Beelzemon.


So what? He worked with baddies just like I did, what's the difference?


Well, As an enlightened Digimon that excels in all knowledge, Reapmon is called the "Sublime Lord". It is said that in exchange for the reader's soul, he will grant one page of information from the "Red Book of Appin", which records all of his knowledge. Although Reapmon will answer any kind of question, he always inflicts an ordeal for the answer. If that ordeal is not surmounted, then he will not give the requested answer, and will snatch away your soul.




Well this guy may be smarter than me, but he's still not a mega level!


Can you shut up for like one second, you have to fight him you know.


Yeah, I'll go train in my dressing room.


What else should we know about Reapmon?


I heard that his mantle is covered in amulets from all times and places, and it is said that on those amulets are written solutions for every problem, so that with that wealth of information he is able to completely defend against any attack.


Wow! So he can actually read a foe to help defeat it in battle?


And that's only the half of it.


That's amazing, but how did he turn evil?


*Sigh* where do I start? I've never exactly explained Reapmon's story before. Well, let's start at the beginning, before I was even born! At youth, Reapmon lived inSilicalia. Desiring to be chosen as aWarrior of the Lightby theSilicalia Queen, he trained underAngemon, but the Queen rejected him again and again. Despite being disheartened, he never gave up until the entire order was put under a spell that enhanced their aggression. They began attacking each other in earnest, and Reapmon was forced to slay them all, even his mentor Angemon, in self-defense. Reapmon swore to discover who engineered the order's destruction, and joined the Bagra Army to investigate.


That's terrible! All of those poor Digimon forced to fight each other! How did you get this much info about such a tragic life?


Wisemon told me before the show.


Oh! Impmon, are you okay?


Yep! Still in my dressing room! Let me know when the boring part is over!


Okay! What happened next?


Well the first time we actually saw him was with Laylamon back at the Lake Zone. Wisemon told me he was trying to investigate who caused his clan to go berserk. After we've obtained the Code Crown, Reapmon attacked us but then let Mikey get his Fusion Loader back for some reason.


And then what?


To be perfectly honest, I couldn't think straight for a second, and when I woke up Mikey told me to protect Reapmon as Shoutmon X4K! From what I could tell though, he was heavily injured when he tried to fight Laylamon who was controlling Ebemon who was controlling his clan!


*Gasp!* You mean, he was the one that angered Reapmon's crew? That Bagra army is not very nice!


You think? They even made Christopher turn on us several times!


What happens next?


Well, we were told that the Code Crown could somehow heal Reapmon, the only problem is we need to beat Laylamon and HiMachinedramon before it beats us! Reapmon eventually awakes, still healing, but sees that the we're are under attack by Laylamon's forces, and will lose. He tells Mikey to give up on him and save his friends, but when Mikey refuses, Reapmon interrupts the ritual himself, forcing Mikey to abandon him and go help his friends.


Oh...that's so sad!


I know right? As he laid there dying, Reapmon realizes that being a warrior isn't about obtaining more power, but using the power you have to protect your friends, and that is the Warrior's Light. He puts on the goddess's mask, and just as HiMachineDramon was about to finish us off, Reapmon jumps in the way and takes the attack himself! At this very moment, the goddess finally accepts him as her warrior, and he reincarnates as Beelzemon! And since then, he's been a reliable member of the Fusion Fighters and he swore to get revenge on Laylamon for what she's done. Eventually, karma comes full circle, and after his death and revival, he's been a great help to us ever since!


Yay! What a awesome tale!


Oh please! My plot was better, and I had loads of character development!


So did Beelzemon. You've got one heck of a opponent to beat little devil.


Whatever, this guy died twice already and I died like zero times!


Are you sure? Because I heard you almost died to Gallantmon in combat, and you only survived because Jeri said you would.


Well...at least I was close to death thrice, which is nothing compared to the number of times Beelzemon got injured!


We'll see where that gets you!


Hey Impmon! Do you know what time it is?


And here we go again...


I know exactly what you mean. And Impmon, let me tell you this now, that wasn't his final form!

"It's.... EVOLUTION TIME!!!!"


First, we have Reapmon himself who can use Kamiuchi which releases a mighty, lightning-fast smite from the Dǎshénbiān, which is especially effective against Holy-species Digimon like Angemon.


Let me guess, he turns into Beelzemon like I do?



Digimon All Star Rumble Episode 2 Sneak peak: Reapmon the guardian | Digimon Amino (3)

Beelzemon! (Again)


Although this Beelzemon in particular has a small gun and a big gun along with extra strong armor. He has the Darkness Claw like you do Impmon, but this once is slightly more effective than yours.


Oh brother, honestly fighting this guy's gonna be tricky, but he'll still have to match up to my other tricks like my Behemoth!


Yeah, remember what I said about me fusing with others to get stronger? Well it just so happens I can digifuse with Beelzemon as X4 to become, Shoutmon X4B!

Digimon All Star Rumble Episode 2 Sneak peak: Reapmon the guardian | Digimon Amino (4)

Shoutmon X4B!


Wow! That looks so cool!


Shoutmon X4B is a powerful fusion that was created to battle Slashangemon. I also fought tougher foes with this form like Lucemon, Tactimon and even Blastmon!




So what? He only fought Digimon related foes, I have major bragging rights about battling something that could end the world as we know it! The motorcycle guys, remember!? It's faster than most Digimon!


Oh, if you wanna talk about speed, then I've got something that'll break the sound barrier as we know it! And it's name is Shoutmon X5B!

Digimon All Star Rumble Episode 2 Sneak peak: Reapmon the guardian | Digimon Amino (5)

Shoutmon X5B!


Whoa, what's that thing on your hand?


That's Sparrowmon, when X4B needs speed, we digifuse into this to outsmart even the toughest of Digimon! And this isn't even my final form!


I don't see how fusion even helps people like you in the first place.


Hang on, if you and Reapmon are technically the same Digimon, doesn't that mean you can technically turn into X5B too?


Yeah, but I don't even try it. Fusion is just a technique that makes weak Digimon stronger.


Now look who's bringing up strength! Let's move onto the Digifeats to see where that gets us...



Where do I start? Oh I know! Reapmon can use the Guiltish attack to transform the jewels on his body into anything, including real bullets. Oblivion Cannon is a strong one, it fires a turbo-charged shot to obliterate his opponents at almost godly speed!


Which is a estimated thrice the speed of a regular bullet, which goes at 2,500 mph.


Using Chaos Flare Cannon as X4B or X5B makes those powers extra effective! It fires a blast so hard it can burst through mountain ranges!


Normally, you would get pretty tired breaking an entire mountains with your fists. But X4B and X5B both have enough strength to blast through a entire mountain without breaking a sweat!


One attack called Meteor Buster has X5B run up to thestratosphere, then become a meteorite and ram the opponent, carving out a giant crater in not just them but also the land around them for several hundred meters.


That means you must be charging at about 17,500 mph!


And if all else fails, I'll use the attack Burst Dash Stream! That move makes me do 3 attacks in a row ending with a Chaos Flare Blaster to the face!


Whoa! Impmon, you'd better hope to bring a set of underpants, because if Shoutmon and co comes to the field, you're screwed!


I..... realize that. Look, can we not have reenforcements this time? I don't want some giant pony causing my demise!


Well, I guess reenforcements are used for emergencies only, I guess we'll lay off for now.


*Whew!* What a relief!


Thanks for coming Shoutmon! We'll see you soon enough on the battlefield!


No prob! See yah guys!


Bye bye! Impmon, Reapmon is so cool! I want you to become just like him!


Yeah... Is it too late to bring Digimodify cards to the battle?


Um, yes. Mostly because you couldn't use them at the time! Good luck out there buddy!


Yeah, good luck my digital butt...



Time Took: 1 Day

Word Count: 2261



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Digimon All Star Rumble Episode 2 Sneak peak: Reapmon the guardian | Digimon Amino (2025)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.