The month of April has finally arrived and you know what that means? Yes! Aside from the clowns you get teamed up with in Solo Queue, April is about bringing to you the funniest content. Now, time to get rid of all that salt and take a break by looking at some of the dankest League of Legends Memes we’ve collected throughout these past weeks.
1. The 10.6 Dilemma on league of legends memes

With the arrival of patch 10.6, tank tops have it rough with all these bruisers building Blade of the Ruined King and if you’re a top laner, I’m sure you know that feeling.
2. Lux Skins Fix Everything

Everybody knows nobody can resist a good Lux skin… well, everybody except EUW players.
3. Faker, What Was That?!

What’s worse than a 0/10 Yasuo popping off? A 0/10 Zed popping off.
4. Covid-19 x K6

How many roaches have you squished while in self-quarantine?
5. It’s the Nasus Life

Good boy Nasus observing social distancing and cleaning up the top lane.
6. Just Sylas Things

Who came up with the idea of this champion anyway?!
Read also: Teamfight Tactics Advanced Guide
7. Where’re my Malphite Skins?

Look at all that shutdown gold waiting to be claimed.
8. Karma’s a B*tch

Not enough blinks and flashes to get away from this Karma little boy.
9. Thanks, Ornn. I guess?

Unfortunately, my team loses before I even reach Level 14.
10. Jungle Tax, My Friend

What does the government and your jungler have in common? Unreasonable taxes.
11. They Don’t Call it Planet of the Apes for Nothin’

When One for All comes back, you know what you’re playing besides that 5 Yuumi strat.
12. Speaking of One for All

Rams vs Roots, this matchup might prove hilarious in the first 20 minutes but let’s see if you enjoy it after 184 minutes have passed and only 1 turret has been destroyed.
Read also: LoL Client Cleanup Campaign 2020
13. Who Sells Doran’s Items?!

But… the Doran’s Ring’s true potential is only unlocked after you’ve built 5 other items.
14. Don’t Tell His Momma

Which reminds me, mother’s day is just in two months. Better find the right gift now.

It’s been how many weeks and the Fiddlesticks rework cinematic still gives me nightmares.
16. Tank Have Big Cannon, Tank Strong

Let’s just hope Riot Games doesn’t see this picture and start sending this to everybody who complains about damage tanks.
17. LoL Boomer’s Dream Come True

With the arrival of Star Guardian Urgot, all of our prayers are finally answered by Riot Games.
18. The Worst Crime

Poor Yasuo, he just has to reach for that 0/10 pop off before he dominates the other team… or not.
Read also: Discovering Legends of Runeterra
19. Gotta get’em Stacks

For your information, getting more Dark Harvest stacks helps me scale better in the late game. (if we reach that point)
20. Someone tell Jhin to F*ck Off my Ranked Games

If you don’t know why Jhin is so obsessed with the number 4, you can check it out here.
21. Everybody’s Favorite Game Mode

When you see your opponent in ARAM with a record of 10/0, sometimes you just wanna let him live instead.
22. Every Jungler’s Pride

As a Jungler, nothing feels better than getting carried by the laner you invested all your time ganking.
Read also: Best Place to Buy LoL Accounts
23. Poor Anivia

Well, at least a Phoenix Won worlds that year. Poor Anivia, maybe you can get featured once you change into a fire-type.
24. Unfaithful Yuumi Players

At least it’s not worse than having to play Kalista with a Yuumi support.
25. Stop Ruining the Fun

Let them enjoy the game you bastard.
26. You Think You Can Escape the Fiesta?

And it goes on until higher ranks to be honest.
27. Thanks, I Guess?

The League shall soon take over the world.
28. Nice

29. No One Will Notice

Cries in 45% global win rate*
30. 4444 Crits

I’m so glad I play tanks

Say bye bye to the little kitty.
32. Darius Makes All the Noxian Women Wet

This champion is why people play ranged top lane champions like cowards.
33. China Numah Wan

Remember the Kalista Top Lane Meta from the Shy? How many games have you lost because of that?
34. Autofill, My Worst Enemy

Plays support. /muteall
35. Yuumi No Flash

If you put flash on Yuumi, you are trolling.
36. Where’s My Cut?

Sometimes, you wonder why the hell you even play ADC in the first place.
37. You MAD Bro?

Well, at least they still have the loser’s bracket to play in.
38. Don’t Follow the Fiddlesticks

Just hoping nobody saw that
39. Good Guy Ornn pt. 2

The great thing about playing with an Ornn player is that they’re super nice. (not)

I know we’ve all done this before. I mean, how can you not chase the low-hp Singed?
41. There Is a Time Where Turning a Blind Eye Helps the Team

42. True Love Is Tested With Pizza

When they said the fastest way through a man’s heart is through his stomach. they weren’t kidding.
43. Why Is Your CS So Low?

Gotta get the S rating for the Mastery Token
44. Stands in the Fountain

I’m just going to stand in the fountain no matter who gets mad at me.
45. Wholesome Content

I can’t count how many times this made me feel special since I never got any.
46. I Made a Grave Mistake

Donating your stats to the Jax isn’t so bad.
47. Gimme that 300G

As long as you didn’t die to a Yasuo.
48. Doomed to Die

Time to say goodbye.
49. Just ARAM things 2

Comes back with a full build*
50. Things that Give Heart Attacks

Imagine playing ADC and your opponents choose Assassins
51. Big Brain Mid

I’ll take the blue buff even if Im jungle Sett.
52. Nice Lantern, Bro

Is this why Thresh imprisons people in his lanterns?
53. An Unexpected Encounter

Well, this is awkward.
54. The LeBlanc Death Tether

You already know what it is.