Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)

0 THE HARTFORD DAILY COURANT: SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1948. American Designer Fashions Express Softness of Line Courant Now Offering: House Plants Book Everyone likes something green Dorothy Dix Says Old-Fashioned and Todatfs Girls Each Had Good Points i Personal Health By WILLIAM BRADY, D. Woman With Iron Deficiency 1 1 A correspondent asks: "How does the modern girl differ from 'the girl of the past?" ii Well, the modern girl differs from the girl of the past as a jeep from a limousine, as holding on to Mama's hand differs from i telling Mom where she gets off. Underneath, of course, there is still the same female person but Nutritional deficiency anemia, iron deficiency anemia, hypochromic anemia it makes little difference which term you chooee but considerable difference which form of iron you take for the anemia. That $1.98 word means lower, under, beneath, down or lest than normal or standard color insufficient hemoglobin, iron coloring matter.

Typical case of hypochromic or! jaw iihat is about all of her resem-: blance to the maiden of yester--year. The modern girl no more thinks or acts like the girl of the past, or has the same ideals and aspirations than she dresses like Tier. Take health, for instance. The girl thought it and refined to be frail and "5 In our great-grandmoth-Ter's time semi-invalidism was a 'cult, and perfect ladies swooned at the sight of a mouse and died if their lovers proved unfaithful. The modern girl considers it a disgrace to be sickly, and if any of them has an ache or a pain they never men- tion it.

If their sweethearts jilt I them, in about two or three days they have found themselves new 'ones. The girl of the past was abys-'mally ignorant of the world. She was brought up in a sh-sh-sh at mmkxm mosphere in which every vital M.E.Y. A. Experts have said r'l'iffiMMiiWiiil? Questions Answered BY HASKIN.

A reader can get the answer to any question of fact by writing The Hartford Courant, Information Bureau. 316 Eye N. Washington 2, D. C. Please enclose three (3 cents for return postage.

Q. Has divorce become easier in recent years? W.I.H. A. Russell Sage Foundation investigation of divorce this country showed that the trend in almost all the states has been toward making divorce more difficult. This is also true of remarriage after divorce.

Q. How long should a good watch that a good watch, with proper care and regular cleaning, should last for 200 years without wearing out. Q. Are there any bowlers who can bowl down pins on two alleys with one1 ball? J.S.N. A.

The American Bowling Congress says that a number of- bowlers have performed a trick shot whereby they could knock down pins on two alleys with one ball. This is done by placing a pin about 10 to 15 feet in pront of the normal positions of the other pins. The trick shoot expert would hit this pin in such a manner as to make it fly over the gutter on to the adjacent alley, his ball deflecting over and on to the pins of the alley on which it was rolled. Q. What was the date when meat was first rationed during World War II? R.R.

A. Meat rationing was not begun until March 29, 1943. Q. Are dreams more frequently pleasant than unpleasant? R.C.M. A.

Surveys show that only one dream out of three is wholly pleasant. About one person in five has nightmares. Q. How is it possible for a large number of aunts to follow one an other in an almost perfect line? LUM. A.

Wherever it goes an aunt leaves a faint trail of formic acid and this the fellow aunts smell and ioiiow. ine antennae serve as organs of touch and smell. Q. Where did the King of Eng- Faith? P.E.L. A.

The title was con- Faith? P.E.L. A. The title was con ferred upon Henry VIII by Pope Leo in 1521 as a reward for the King's treatise against Martin Luther. Though Pope Paul III later deprived Henry of the title, it was confirmed to him by Parliament and has been used by his successors. Q.

Have the Liberty Bonds of World War I been called in and nr a a 11 Even classics have a newer, softer look this year to emphasize the trend towards elegance and femininity. Daytime wools are detailed with dressmaker touches, while dress-up clothes are presented in rich textures to express the feeling. Above left: Earl Luick -concerning life was carefully sup- 'pressed. She never even had a frank conversation with her own inother, or was warned, except in i a general way, of the temptations and dangers she was bound to en counter. The modern girl is cynical and wise beyond her years, and when she makes a detour off the straight and narrow path it isn't through ignorance.

And she is brutally frank, bhe discusses topics with i any casual male acquaintance that her grandmother wouldn have whispered to her husband, or her physician in the secrecy of her boudoir. The old-fashioned girl was help- less. She was taught no trade or profession and had no way by which she could earn a dollar. She j. knew nothing about business, othing about how to take care of 5 'herself.

Mother and Father treat-f'ed her as a child until she got married and her husband held her dn tutelage the balance of her life. Practically every modern girl is self-supporting and knows her way i about just as well as a boy does. She is free and independent. She jtakes care of herself among men i w'hom she works all day, and she sees no reason why she should be chaperoned in the evenings. The old-fashioned girl looked at marriage from a different stand- point from the modern girl.

She regarded it as a until -death-do-us- part contract, and if the marriage turned out badly she suffered and Graceful Silhouettes Mark Collections Of Miller And Sondheim In New York or perhaps ssimtlatinf In fuf- icient quantity for perhaps several years that's why you ire tnemic Questions and Answer. Cramps In the Left. I suffered excrutiatingly wjth cramps in legs and feet many nights they awoke me and kept me walking the floor or trying to for an hour or more. When ft began to happen several nights Jn week I wrote you, received your pamphlet on Adult Tetany and Growing Pains, began supplementing my diet with calcium and vitamin have not had the cramps since. (F.

McA.) Answer The pamphlet is available to any reader who asks for ft writing and provides stamped self addressed envelope. io not m- cose a Hipping. Now See Here. Your constant grumpiness about correspondents using clippings as Jn VU I thcy want is hardly the courteous (C. C.

II.) Answer I'm sorry, but clippings have a way of becoming lost or detached In the handling of a large amount of mail, and when they do, we can't give the reader tha service he or she expects. Functional Mjirmur. Eight-years-old son has had perfect health until this year when he had pyelitis. Since then the doctor found a functional murmur fn his heart. Although he told me to forget about it.

(Mrs. M. Answer I'd forget about Dr. Yakety-yakety-yak and next time the boy needs medical care consult good doctor. "Functional murmur" means the doctor doesn't know what, if anything, ails the patient.

Girl Goes Flabby. I am 19, 61 inches tall, 105 pounds. For the last two years I have had an increasing dread of becoming fat imagine I see bulges after one square meal and try to starve the next two days. (M. You should weigh not less than 115 pounds.

Cultivate vite and you'll feel and look and be less flabby that flabby state, lack of tone, makes you feel and look too fat Send 25 cents and stamped self addressed envelope for The Seven keys to Vite. copy of our Alice Brooks Needlework Book 104 illustrations of designs: crochet, embroidery, knitting, home decoration, toys. Also printed in the book is a Free pattern for three kitchen accessories and a bib. Daily Devotions From Strength to Strength. Let us leave the elemtnttry Jottrinei Christ and go on to maturity.

Htbrtu 6:1. Read vt. 1-12. One of the bad habits of some conscientious Christians is that of thinking too much about their un-worthiness. It is one thin to be humble before God; it ii something else to be always belittling oneself.

We should not confess theame faults over and over again; God has put our sins behind his back forever. He has forgiven us. Have we forgiven ourselves? Or do we find a perverted pleasure in reviewing unhappy memories? Do we suppose that this vicious habit a mark of superior virtue? Let this day, then, see some solid progress in self-control, in patience, in kindly appreciation, in courage. Wa grow by what we feed on. A victory, however small, strengthens us for still more victories.

Goodness creates its own momentum. Happiness makes for power. AH things can work together for good we love God and press on. Let us not forever be making new starts from the same base: but ro from strength to strength. God will meet us more, far more, than nair-way.

Let Us Prayt God, my Heavenly Father, plenteous in mercy, and more patient with me than I am with myself, give me grace to accent this new dav as a new be ginning, and by Thy help to go on in faithfulness to the eventir's pnd to the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name. Amen. ROBERT Y. JOHNSON.

Portland, Maine. Chinese Guard Increased. Shanghai, Jan. 16. (AP.) The police guard around the compound of the British Consulate General was increased by the municipal government tonight because of anti-British violence in Canton.

8 BY EDYTH RADOM. Fashion Editor. New York Jan. 16. We certainly didn't think we had an adjective left to describe another New York collection of clothes by the time Friday came along, until we saw the Anner Miller, and Herbert Sondheim collections.

(After all how often can a fashion editor say that skirts are circular, shouldersrounded, waistlines diminutive, length 13 inches, without boring herself and everyone else to distraction.) However, the Anner Miller collection of clothes for spring 1948 proved to be really refreshing. Designed by Earl Luick they have a feeling of gentility and good taste without the least suggestion of striving for effects. The clothes are beautifully designed and skill fully executed with a strong accent on emmity. An especially new and appealing note is achieved with the "mnrnin? plorv" silhouette in JIV It! UW111.IVU ALA glory" silhouette in Ar. jland eet the title Defender of the I in the house the year round, and house plants lend an air of homi-ness, a note of cheerfulness wherever placed.

The Government publication, House Plants, tells you how to care for house plants and grow them successfully. If you are one of those persons who never has any luck with flowers and potted plants send for your copy of this helpful 30-page, illustrated booklet today. Know what to do and what not to do in their care. Only 10 cents postpaid. Use this coupon.

I enclose 10 cents in coin (carefully wrapped in paper) for a copy of the booklet House Plants. Name Street or Rural Route City State Washington 2, D. C. The Hartford Courant, Information Bureau, 316 Eye N. Daily Pattern 9335 SIZES J4 50 BY MARIAN MARTIN.

Here's your dress for now through Spring! There's Valentine charm in those scallops and prettily curved neckline and sleeves. Pattern 9335 is a most effective slenderizer! This pattern gives perfect fit, is easy to use. Complete, illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step. Pattern 9335 in sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 46, 48, 50. Size 36 takes 3 yds.

yd. contrast. Setid 25 cents in coins for this pattern to The Hartford Courant, 61 Pattern 232 West 18th New York 11. N. Y.

Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. Now is the time to sew for Spring! Fifteen cents more brings you the brand-new Marian Martin Pattern Book, cram-full of exciting spring fashions for everyone! Plus a Free Pattern printed inside the book two belts to give you the New Look. Better have this! Missing Cruiser Located. Miami, Jan. 16.

(AP.) The Coast Guard reported the 30-foot cruiser, Jo Ann, missing without fuel since Tuesday night, was located today by one of its planes 100 miles southeast of Miami, and its two occupants appeared to be in good shape. By George Clark He's forgotten what she said he with Mushroom Sauce s4 nutritional deficiency anemia is that of a woman in her thirties or forties, pale in a parchment-like way, with lack-luster, hair turning gray, sagging corners of the mouth, spooned, brittle, cracker or sometimes flattened nails, frequent or constant fissues or cracks or sores at corners of mouth, palpitation, gets out of breath quickly, unable to do heavy work, appetite poor especially for meats and because of constant sore tongue she is likely to live on soft foods which require little mastication which narrowing of diet of course aggravates her nutritional deficiency condition. The woman with nutritional deficiency anemia generally complains of "indigestion," "gas," con stipation and irregular periods or aiarrnea. one is more iiequemiy subject to menorrhagia (excessive now, dim-umKa uu sence of or scanty mentsruation). Her skin shows too many wrinkles cin shows ton manv wrinkles for one of hei age.

The tongue looks shiny, "bald" (absence of the normal velvety tufts or papillae, and about the edges it shows the indentations from the teeth. These characteristic appearances of angles of mouth, tongue and nails are attributable mainly to other nutritional deficiencies which seem to go hand in hand with iron deficiency in such cases notably riboflavin and thiamin and niacin deficiencies (these are components of vtamin complex). In the pamphlet Nutritional De ficiency Anemia (for copy send stamped envelope bearing your address and ask for it in writing, not with a clipping I will not send it to any one else than the person who signs the request I explain how much and what form of iron one with simple anemia should use, not as medicine, but as a supplement to the everyday diet. In taking iron for hypochromic ane mia it is important to remember that iron is not a cure and that long continued maintenance ration is necessary to hold the gain one makes, until restoration of a normal appetite and a wider choice of food brings about general improvement of nutrition. Don't "try" iron for a few weeks.

If you take it at all take it for a year or more. After all, it is food you haven been getting in sufficient quanti- Household Arts "tiJ 727B BY ALICE BROOKS. Compliments will come your way when you display this lovely cut-work! Fourteen motifs for cloths. towels, pillowcases. Equally lovely in cutwork or plain embroidery.

Pattern 7278; transfer for 14 motifs 2x2 to 4x15 in. Our improved pattern visual with easy-to-see charts and photos, and complete directions makes needlework easy. Send 20 cents in coins for this pattern to The Hartford Courant, 39, Household Arts P. O. Box 151, Station Brooklyn 26, N.

Y. Print plainly NAME. 'ADDRESS, ZONE, AND PATTERN NUMBER. Send 15 cents more for your Learn to DANCE at Registration by Private Lessons Short i t. Sht.

ty in i a. a is if Join New and Jan. New School Thurs. tne hiPs are gently rounded like the trumpet-top of the flower: of costume Connecticut women from which it derives its name, the' ike- co*cktail dresses have hip-skirt narrow to the knees and then! wa thing or extremely clever heim's black taffeta costume is beautifully treated with braid-edging around the jacket and smart back-bustle treatment. Right: Jo Copeland of Pattullo has created this ladylike dance frock in navy taffeta with bff-shoulder-fold, edged inside with narrow white lace." Menus and Recipes Sunday Dinner.

Avocado and Orange co*cktail Pot Roast of Beef with Potatoes Carrots and Onions Hearts of Lettuce Prussian Dressing Easy Ice Cream Chocolate Sauce (Recipe for Starred Dish Follows) Recipe Talk. This recipe is one I discovered during the war when heavy cream wasn't available. I still like to use it for economy's sake and because it is so easy to make. Easy Ice Cream. 1 cup light cream 1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin 1 egg, separated 3 tablespoons sugar i 2 tablespoons white corn syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla Sprinkle gelatin over cup of the cream to soften; set in a pan of hot water over low heat and allow gelatin to dissolve or melt.

Beat egg yolk until thick and lemon-colored add sugar, corn syrup and vanilla and beat well. Combine the remaining cream with gelatin and egg yolk mixtures and mix thoroughly. Turn into refrigerator tray and place in freezing compartment. Set control at coldest setting. Freeze until firm.

Remove to bowl, break up ice cream and add unbeaten egg whites. Beat until fluffy. Return to freezing compartment and freeze until firm. 4 servings. (AP.) Providence Club Destroyed.

North Providence, R. Jan. 16. (AP.) Fire destroyed the Geneva Sportsmen's Club this afternoon, with a loss estimated by the owners at $15,000. The two-story building formerly housed a mill.

The Neighbors "Ed's got to call his wife, could have for lunch." fl i nam uii si i fie ijiuri I War I have matured or been called. Residence Requirements Waived in Examinations ine Connecticut residence requirement is waived by State Personnel Director Glendon A. Sco- bona in two open competitive ex animations which he announced Thursday. The examinations will be held to fill the positions of chief med ical officer in the rehabilitation division, Department of Education, and library assistant. The position of chief medical officer is in a salary bracket of annually.

The librarian salary bracket is annually. A competitive examination also will be held to fill the position of state veterinarian at a salary of annually. Scholarships Awarded. Trade union members' children were awarded 50 scholarships in Venezuelan industrial arts schools, Caracas reports. Bonds issued at the time of Worldlwhich designer for Anna Miller has done this striking costume with a jacket that has a slightly wrapped look.

It's fashioned of black-and-white wool-check, faced with brilliant red wool and creates a dramatic effect with its full black skirt. Center: Herbert Sond- words has "taken the middle of the road" silhouette this year. Here the silhouette is either slender or wider to meet every woman's requirement. There's never too much of anything in the collection. It's never "too full, or too flared, or too squared." The jackets have a torso look and there is a strong accent on the small waistline.

Many skirts are knife and cartridge pleated in this collection and there's a particularly lovely treatment with back interest deriving from slim fronts and center back flares. In the suit collection there is a wealth of jacket-appeal with loads of variation. There's the wonderful little directoire suit combining a brief black jacket with crisscross braid frog fastening and a full flaring fawn color skirt. There are a number of double-breasted jackets with convertible lapels a hiehheht amon? these the navy blue and grey horizontal astrinp wonl iarkpt nnisprt ahnvc astripe wool jacket poised above a narrow navy skirt. It's the type drapery some of it twisted on shoulder and bodice.

As usual Herbert Sondheim has understood the needs and preferences of all women for his collection presents fashions that are full, draped, or slim in silhouette. Your Stars Today BY MARION DREW. Sun In Capricorn General Tendencies Politics and social life both do well under today's influ- ences, with old and young respond ing according to the various turns of the day. The strongest tide seems to come around noon, with a second swish toward the middle of the evening. Apparently a diplo matic approach is the big thing here, tact and consideration pay- iing more than their face value.

The moon is now in the sign of Aries, ana it would be wise to avoid acids, sharp tools, electrical gadg ets and such household hazards as a slip on the stairs or in the bathtub. If It's Your Birthday. Family matters should reach a climax during the coming Summer this should not be a surprise to you, for you must have felt some tension in this department before now. You do not have to push events, for conditions will arise which will take care of all that for you; you have merely to be sure In your own mind of the course you think best to follow. Sudden events lie ahead, not only for the year of 1948 but for the next four years a good long time for unsettled emotions.

Please be sure not to make mistaken judgments during this period. Today's Watchword With a little shamefaced grin, a man said to me the other day "You know, I used to think that this astrology of yours was all bunk, but after reading it for a while, I begin to think that you may have something Think of that, now! It only took him a few months to decide, but the rest. of the world has been, familiar with astroloev for countless centuries, earlier than any recorded history can point for its origin. There must be something to a subject which can interest able minds for thousands of years, for otherwise its errors would have found it out. The men of straw who are usually called astrologers, are the fakers the quicker everyone routs them out the better, so say we all.

MORROW'S NUT HOUSE "24" ASYLUM STREET nuts nuts nuts nuts Daily Crossword Puzzle gracefully flaring out like open petals. It's an inimitably graceful, delicate silhouette, seen in a number of dresses and suits. Another delightful feature is the prism silhouette. For this silhouette Earl Luick who is also a talented decorator derived his inspiration trom the sparkling crystal prisms of chandeliers and candlesticks. The fabric prisms which are about one-half-inch wide are seen in a series of beautiful tiered dresses which create lovely fluid movement over sheath-slend er skirts.

They also have a most flattering way with a swath at this house and show a number of dresses that outline the form- divine. Always there is evident a subtle understated rounding of the hip- line with the flares starting well below the hips and swirling softly. They're really lovely, wearable skirts. bondheim, in his own Mohammed 8. Girl's name 9.

Garland 10. Part of a cir cle 11. Gentle tap 16. Burmese demon 18. Male duck 20.

Melody 22. Thin cake 23. Mesopotam-lans 24. Note of scale 26. Foreknowing 28.

Concerning 29. Web-footed birds 30. Additional 32. Explosive sound 33. Part Of "to be" 35.

Devoutness 39. Above 40. Electrified particle 41. Sloth 44. Marker 46.

State 48. Girl 49. Male swan 50. Pweverential fear 51. Snare 52.

To seize 54. Humble 55. Silkworm 56. Number 59. Symbol for ruthenium Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle.

if she finds that she was mistaken in iitr zeeungs, or ner nusDana to wvvuji muni. KJVJKAy one x-iiuv-n it. She corrects her error of judgment i Such are the riiffprpnrec hp- twccii me uiu-iiismuneu gin ana the modern girl. Each had her good points and each fitted the A 1 1 3 1 1 4v. mat pi.wuuv.t:u 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dorothy Dix will answer ques-; tions which Courant readers wish to put to her.

Address her in care of The Hartford Courant, Hart-. ford. enclosing with your I question a stamped, self ad-; dressed envelope. Goren On Bridge WEEKLY QUIZ Q. 1 As South you hold: 4AJS AKQ62 KQJ The bidding has proceeded: South West North East 1 Diamond Pass 1 Heart Pass W'-hat do you bid now? Q.

2 Partner opens with 1 4K843 VKS2 4AK43 What is your response? Club i Q. 3 As South you hold: A4 A 10 9 862 Q3 A 7 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East 1 Heart Pass 1 Spade Pass What do you bid now? Q. 4 As South you hold: Q4 KJ7 KJ93 4.AQ96 The bidding has proceeded: 6outh West North East 1 Diamond Pass 1 Heart Pass What do you bid now? Q. 3 As South you hoia: 7642 AK32 75 9 7 The bidding has proceeded. West North East South 1 Diamond Double Pass Heart Pass 1 Spade Pass What do you bid now? Q.

6 As South you hold: 4 A 10 63 75 4. KQ 10 7 52 Thp bidding has nrorpprfpri West North East South Spades 4 Spades Pass What do you bid? Q. 7 As South you hold: 4Q10 The bidding has proceeded South West North East 1 Club Double Pass 1 Diamond What do you bid now? Q. 8 As North you hold: K76 KQ32 J3 A1063 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East 1 Diamond Pass 1 Heart Pass No Trump Pass What do you bid now? Answers to these questions will near on Monday. ft 'Mi 1 I 14 1 16 17 I lio 111 13 T3 WlTu I5 26 IF zi xT 31 32 33 5 1 71 454 48 so" TT 52 sr'sTsT" ST 59 60 a Class or Take Private Lessons Beginners Class for Men Women Starts, Mon.

26th. Beginners Class for High Students Starts Naxt Jan. 22nd. Phone 3-1919 Term Courses NOW MARBLE PILLAR RESTAURANT 22 CENTRAL ROW SPECIALS TODAY Lentil Soup Roast Prime Ribs of Beef au jus Sauerbraten with Potato Dumpling Hungarian Goulash with Noodles Fresh Pigs Hock with Sauerkraut Bratwurst with Sauerkraut Lamb Chops Nelson Broiled Sirloin Steak with French Fried Onions HORIZONTAL 1. To understand 4.

Ultimate 9. Circuit of a 12. Yellow bugle 13. Soap substitute 14. Period of time 15.

Feline elixir 17. To charge with an offense 19. Plane surface 21. Land measure 22. To droop 25.

To tear 27. Jason's ship 31. Constellation 32. Small parrot 34. Note of scale 35.

Total stakes 36. Before 37. What? 38. Famous 41. Peer Gynt's mother 42.

Mature 43. Sindbad's bird 44. Jetty 45. Note of scale 47. African river 49.

Ravine 53. Small btrd of prey 57. To be In debt 58. Puts on guard B0. Metalliferous rock Rl.

Wager 62. Project 63. To triumph VERTICAL 1. Thus 2. Friend of Topsy 3.

To devour 4. Equitable 5. Supreme ruler 6. Not any OBY SA lemon" IlIaIr LKTllAKIiARA )l i E3 a "bps A EL 3 A Jl TTTs "kTr OP A LJV I A JL 2L CpL A. gJI JL o.

3 a. A LOB 0 IffFj A jS a 3fl I ElD SLJB A A I A Sm7 eTt a til ire sieIsI 1bovIeIl IcTa 7 7. Son-in-law of ODRIQDCE STUflODOOS 553 Farmington at So. Whitney Street Broiled Tenderloin Steak (Bell Syndicate, Inc.).

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.